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Questions & Answers on Suzhou Transportation
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We are planning to visit both Suzhou and Zhujiajiao in one day from Shangha...
Jun. 21, 2010 10:53 - Sandi from Canada
If I want to go to Suzhou for one day from Shanghai, would I be able to buy...
Jun. 06, 2010 22:56 - Joyce from Canada
hi ,can i o to suzhou from shanghai only by fast train or exist others trai...
Jun. 06, 2010 22:54 - ANMAMIGRANTE from Italy
Can someone tell me how long it will take by bus from pudong airport to hon...
May. 21, 2010 03:44 - Tony from USA
I would like to visit suzhou and zhouzhuang for a couple days before catchi...
Mar. 23, 2010 13:08 - Ku from USA
4 of us would be arriving Hangzhou airport at 2pm and need to be Zhouzhuang...
Mar. 07, 2010 04:41 - Lee from Malaysia
Hi, May i know what is the best way to get from Hangzhou airport to Suzh...
Feb. 19, 2010 22:12 - Johnny from Malaysia
Hi there.. has anyone taken a cab or bus to wuxi? What are the charges lik...
Jan. 30, 2010 13:55 - Woo from australia
Hi I am staying for 2 days in shanghai and need to go to suzhou on the 30 s...
Jan. 23, 2010 22:16 - Woo from Australia
What is the best transport from Suzhou to Hangzhou? What is the fare, the ...
Dec. 11, 2009 23:43 - KC from Msia
Hello! I have to visit to Suzhou from Pudong airport. I want to know wha...
Nov. 29, 2009 03:07 - Bikram Singh Rana from India
Please help to advice what is the recommended tranportation from Hangzhou t...
Oct. 11, 2009 03:17 - Lau from Singaopre
What is the best way to get from Suzhou to PVG? Bus or train? How long does...
Sep. 23, 2009 01:55 - Susanne from USA
There is a express bus leaving Suzhou to Hangzhou Xiao Shan Airport. Where ...
Jul. 30, 2009 22:14 - Jack Lee from Malaysia
Mr James, one question, where can we take special tourist buses in Suzhou?...
Jul. 30, 2009 22:11 - ANGELICA from SPAIN
hi,planning to go to shanghai on saturday,are they any buses from south bus...
Jul. 03, 2009 05:12 - katarzyna from poland
Is there any train directly from Suzhou to Hangzhou? Or we need to take bu...
Jun. 06, 2009 04:39 - Andrea from USA
We, six of us would be going to Shanghai and Hangzhou on 18 Jan 2010 to 26 ...
May. 21, 2009 02:25 - mikewong111 from Malaysia
Anybody knows Where start the buses to Ningbo?
Apr. 23, 2009 02:37 - Roger from China
many google flights say the boats from hangzhou to suzhou have stopped. Is...
Apr. 19, 2009 22:31 - Harris from Australia
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Suzhou Transportation
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