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Questions & Answers on Beijing Zoo
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Dong Wuyuan station and Beijing zoo stational are same or not?
Jan. 21, 2015 19:55 - nandani
At Beijing Zoo,Is there a close encounter with the Giant Pandas?or any type...
Jan. 20, 2015 20:05 - Eric from USA
Aquarium combo ticket in beijing zoo
Jan. 12, 2015 03:50 - Tracey McNamara from Australia
Does Bejing zoo have concession for students
Jan. 02, 2015 02:51 - infant from india
From Greatwall hotel.. how do i get to beijing zoo?
Dec. 22, 2014 23:35 - Iris from Malaysia
Would like to see the pandas in Beijing Zoo
Dec. 03, 2014 20:04 - Cathy from Canada
Dolphin shows in Beijing zoo
Nov. 17, 2014 20:12 - Joanna from Zimbabwe
What is the recommended time for a visit in Beijing Zoo?
Nov. 17, 2014 03:38 - STEPHASIATEN
Ski Resort in Beijing
Nov. 15, 2014 02:41 - Fiza from Malaysia
I will be staying in Conrad hotel in Beijing, how do I get to go to zoo?
Nov. 10, 2014 02:47 - ainalim from Malaysia
Are you allowed to carry and have a photo with a panda in Beijing Zoo?
Nov. 09, 2014 00:43 - Michael
Hi, I am staying at Beijing Days Inn the Forbidden City, how to go to the z...
Sep. 17, 2014 21:38 - Shirley from Mauritius
Beijing Zoo Closed November 2014?
Aug. 31, 2014 22:09 - Ann from Philippines
Purple Bamboo Garden transport in Beijing Zoo
Jul. 29, 2014 04:32 - Zelda from USA
Hi, Can you please recommend on good restorant close to the Beijing Zoo?
Jul. 16, 2014 21:25 - Sharon from Israel
how much does the Beijing zoo cost for 2 aduls and 2 children?
Jun. 17, 2014 01:46 - lexie talbott from america
Elephant seals at beijing Zoo?
May. 13, 2014 22:59 - Ed from New Zealand
we only want to see Beijing Panda House
May. 06, 2014 20:23 - Riri from Indonesia
Is the entrance fee for the summer palace also included if i buy the ticket...
May. 06, 2014 20:17 - Carolien Bos from Holland
visit zoo in Beijing
Apr. 13, 2014 21:37 - Barry Brown from USA
Hello, are the combined zoo and ferry tickets available to purchase from Be...
Apr. 11, 2014 03:43 - Liliana from United Kingdom
What is Beijing Zoo's State and City?
Feb. 21, 2014 19:51 - . from .
Hello, I would like to know if in the Beijing zoo there are restaurants and...
Feb. 15, 2014 20:54 - tanvier from France
From reading the article it would seem the Beijing zoo is closed from Novem...
Dec. 11, 2013 00:30 - Ginny from Australia
can i get address of Beijing Zoo,or maybe any detail contact no?
Dec. 05, 2013 20:21 - myra from Malaysia
i cant see the dong wu yuan station on line 4..whats at the Beijing zoo sta...
Sep. 18, 2013 04:49 - Zafar from China
how much australian dollars does it cost to enter Beijing Zoo?
Sep. 14, 2013 02:22 - lozy
Is there an option to get close to the pandas in Beijing Zoo?
Aug. 14, 2013 18:09 - Cathy from New Zealand
hi. what it means 40 cny for panda house and boat in Beijing Zoo?
Jun. 22, 2013 03:48 - bahar
Can we hold a panda and take a photo with a panda at bejing zoo and how muc...
Jun. 14, 2013 23:01 - Belinda from Australia
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