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Questions & Answers on Nanning Weather
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what is the approximate weather in Nanning at dec 29.14 - 1.4.2015
Dec. 06, 2014 01:03 - stephanie soon from malaysia
hi can i know what is the weather from Jan 29, 2015 - Feb 2, 2015 in Nannin...
Dec. 02, 2014 00:35 - Karen from Malaysia
December weather for toddler in Nanning
Oct. 28, 2014 03:32 - Bell from Malaysia
What is the average temperature in Nanning between 30/10/-5/11 and 26/11-5/...
Oct. 24, 2014 04:09 - Teresa Ng from Malaysia
What is the best clothings to wear during 6/12/2014 till 12/12/2014 in Nann...
Oct. 22, 2014 03:50 - lim from malaysia
Why the air in nanning are slightly polluted during December and January?
Sep. 24, 2014 20:49 - Vernese from Malaysia
hi can i know what is the weather from sept 17 - 19 in Nanning? thanks
Sep. 14, 2014 02:17 - shtay from Malaysia
Why is the pollution index in Nanning so high in December?
Sep. 03, 2014 03:02 - Cheah from Malaysia
What is the average temperature in Nanning - mid September?
Jul. 29, 2014 01:43 - Alice Ng from Malaysia
Hi. I'll be going to nanning next week 22-26 April 2014. need to know the a...
Apr. 15, 2014 03:42 - zahariah from Malaysia
What is the weather for the first week of May 2014 for Nanning?
Apr. 14, 2014 01:00 - Nina from Malaysia
hi can i know what is the weather from april 9 - 18 in Nanning? thanks
Mar. 29, 2014 01:27 - linda from malaysia
what is the average temperature in Nanning , March to June
Jan. 16, 2014 20:12 - Gerald from Australia
Hello, I plan to visit Nanning next January and I would like to know the te...
Oct. 12, 2013 20:22 - TENIER from France
weather for first week of september 2013s in Nanning
Aug. 28, 2013 03:23 - shreekant
what is the temperature in nanning during 7 to 14 december
Aug. 26, 2013 01:58 - kk from Malaysia
what is the weather in CNY 2014 in Nanning?
Aug. 20, 2013 21:42 - miping from Malaysia
I'm going to Nanning from the beginning of September through till the begin...
Jul. 21, 2013 20:28 - Cammy
what is the temperature in Nanning China in November?
Jul. 21, 2013 20:26 - Dan
what is the weather - heading for summer in Nanning
May. 06, 2013 01:12 - farnan from australia
Weather Nanning in may (05.05 to 12.05.)
Apr. 19, 2013 02:51 - Holly from Germany
I will be in nanning on the 15/16/17/18th march. what is the weather like t...
13 Hours Ago - wayne thompson from canada
CNY holiday, what to wear in Nanning
Feb. 06, 2013 20:12 - BP Loh from Malaysia
We scheduled to visit Nanning from 27/12/12 to 02/01/13, please suggest the...
Dec. 21, 2012 21:03 - Poy from Malaysia
Rain question in Nanning
Dec. 17, 2012 00:58 - MoeyHC from Malaysia
How is the weather I. January. Is it still warm or staring to get cold in N...
Nov. 05, 2012 03:10 - Paul
hi! i am a keen traveller. may i ask what's the best time to visit nanning...
Oct. 24, 2012 02:33 - LAU AIH NGIIK from
Can you tell me a best service apartment in nanning city
Oct. 05, 2012 01:22 - philips from brisbane,australia
Is it windy in November? Early November in nanning
Oct. 05, 2012 00:54 - Xinwen from Brunei
I am coming to nanning in middle of oct what is the weather like???
Sep. 25, 2012 20:34 - Philips from Brisbane
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