Answered by Borut
Nov. 08, 2024 04:27
Bruce, you simply have to obtain a 5 day Shenzhen VOA at one of three designated border crossings and with opening hours from 09:00 to roughly 16:30. Simply speaking, there is no other way and there is no other option.
My suggestion is that you appear at Lo Wu / Luohu border crossing in the morning hours where you will apply for a visa. You will fill out the form, the photo of you will be taken and you will also present your flight ticket out of Shenzhen to a third country. The price of a visa is 130 CNY and it has to be paid by card. You will be, practically for certain, be granted a visa since your flight ticket is the best vaccine against any possible rejection.
One more suggestion, do not arrive later than 08:30 at the border crossing because otherwise you could lose your flight because on certain days the amount of applicants could surpass the number of applications that could be normally processed. Just invest some time in your peace of mind. Have a nice and successful journey.