Struggling now 13 years, should we continue? I'm a pig she's a Dog
I'm a spiritual person, not a bible thumper but believe God is within. We believe in each other but communication is a big issue. She states that I think I know it all, and I remind her that is not true, I am far from thinking that I'm that type of person. I look at the situation from different angles, points of view. So when arguments arise she will not continue the conversation in leu of not saying something that she will regret later and isolates her self, puts up a wall and not talk for days and or weeks. For 13 years I cave in and get her to sit down and have a conversation to fix the relationship and forgive each other. This of course affects our intimate and other areas of our relationship. This has me reading and looking up now for compatibility, like a sheep/tiger/or rabbit, and I'm a salty dog, a senior better said. I have peace in my heart, because of he who lives in me, but not overall happy. What does an energetic salsa dancer do in my case?