Answered by Borut
Aug. 30, 2024 00:11
So far the situation was quite clear until the very recent case where one South African citizen has reported that he has been denied a Shenzhen visa. He did not mention the reason for such a deny and he told that he was just abruptly rejected and after that he returned back to Hong Kong where he managed to obtain a regular, 30 days tourist visa valid for entire China and that all the formalities took just one day.
Now, we really do not know exactly what has happened at the border crossing several days ago, what was the real reason behind that rejection, but we have to be very cautious after that case and point other South African citizens to that case because we do not know whether this was just an isolated case of denying or some kind of usual approach. Until we receive a fresh case where a South African citizen has been successful, we have to warn all future applicants about a potential negative outcome.
I hope you understand our position.