Asked by Dae from Sweden | May. 21, 2024 05:59
About:144-Hour Visa-Free Transit

Hotel or other accommodation confirmation

* Hotel reservations may be required if you want to leave the airport.
Does the reservation need to be in your name, or does a Chinese friend or family you're staying together with in the hotel having the reservation in their name being fine too?

In the case of you not using a hotel but staying with a Chinese citizen in their home (friend or family) what is the procedure then?

Also if I understand correctly, after using a 144-hour visa free transit and have left for a 3rd country, I can get a new 144-hour visa free transit (this time using my home country which I departed from the first time as the 3d country this time)? Is there any time limitations on this?

Answers (2)
Answered by Borut | May. 22, 2024 01:15
In general, typical question in most countries, upon arrival of foreigner, is where will you stay. In other words, it is expected that a foreigner has accommodation booking for at least the first overnight regardless if this is a booking done for a group or for a single visitor. It is not necessary that your name appears at the booking confirmation if it is a group reservation or if the reservation is done by a third person. It is important that you will use the accommodation. However, if you decide to stay at your friends, relatives or similar, you can, of course, do that. In that case, you should prepare the following: identity of person where will you stay, her/his local phone number and precise address. This will be fine as far as the airport is concerned. When you arrive at your friend or relative, you will visit, best accompanied by your host, to the closest PSB (public security bureau) facility where you will perform a registration within 24 hours upon your arrival in China.

As far as your second segment is concerned, you can use 144 hour visa free transit as much as you want. There is no limit on how many times you can use it within a certain time frame. Also, it really does not matter a home country or any other country. The rule is very simple because in order to be eligible for 144 hour visa free transit all you have to do is to satisfy the requirement that the immediate points before and after your mainland Chinese destination have to be in two different countries or eligible territories (eligible territories: Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau). In other words, you can use: Stockholm - Beijing - Tokyo, Bangkok - Shanghai - Seoul, Jakarta - Guangzhou - Frankfurt, Paris - Shanghai - Hong Kong or as you wish as long as you are in line with the rule.
Answered by Dae | May. 22, 2024 08:00
Thank you for the answer, much appreciated.
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