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Asked by Yuriy from germany | Feb. 25, 2024 11:51
About:China Train Ticket Booking FAQ

Online ticket vs. paper ticket / train ticket to Lhasa

Hello Travelchinaguide,

all other travel agencies for China state that after booking online, the passenger must pick up a paper ticket at the train station. Why is it different for you? Has China abolished the obligation to pick up paper tickets at the train station?

One more question: I need a train ticket from Xining to Lhasa. Tickets to Lhasa sell out very quickly. How likely are you to be able to book the ticket for me if I register it in time? If I don't get the ticket, my whole trip will collapse.

Thanks in advance for the answers
MfG Yuriy Ivanov

Answers (1)
Answered by TravelChinaGuide | Feb. 26, 2024 19:19
0 0 Reply
Hi Yuriy,

1. Yes, collecting paper tickets are not necessary now and foreign passengers can board the train directly according to their passports that booked tickets.

2. We will try our best to scramble for tickets for you once they are issued. However, the result can not be guaranteed 100%. If we failed, you will get the refund.
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