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Asked by Vin from Singapore | Nov. 10, 2023 04:42
About:24-Hour Visa-Free Transit

China 24rs transit visa free

Hi sir, I am flying from Singapore to Russia. My transit at Beijing airport is 8hrs. I am an Indian National working in singapore. Do I need a visa, if I want to go out for few hours to sightseen?

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Nov. 13, 2023 00:36
You are definitely eligible for 24 hour visa free transit and you do not need any kind of visa. However, your chances to be allowed to exit the airport in Beijing are slim. I am just honest and it is true that Beijing airport authorities are very rigid in this regard. However, you can try and you can approach 24/144 hour visa free transit and apply for a temporary entry permit. This application is for free and when you apply, you have to be ready to hear both, negative and maybe even positive answer.
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