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Asked by John from USA | Aug. 09, 2023 01:05
About:China Tourist Visa

L tourist Visa

I am visiting a friend I met online who is Chinese. I want to pay my own flight and hotel reservation. You could say I’m being invited as a tourist but since I pay everything myself should I say I’m meeting a friend on the application and we will be spending 2 weeks there even if i pay all myself? Also can I book a hotel for the 2 of us and stay together or do I need to provide details .

Answers (1)
Answered by Edward | Aug. 09, 2023 19:15
1. If you can get an invitation letter from your Chinese friend, then the hotel booking or flight ticket is not necessary. The invitation letter should include

a. Information on the applicant, including full name, gender, and date of birth.
b. Information on the planned visit, including arrival and departure dates, place(s) of visit.
c. Information on the inviter, including name, contact number, address, official stamp, and signature of the legal representative of the entity or the inviting individual.

2. You can book a hotel for both of you.

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