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Asked by HY from Singapore | Jul. 16, 2023 22:34
About:China Visa on Arrival

Singaporean travel to Shenzhen for VOA

Do i require to bring my photo to apply for VOA?
My flight reach Hong Kong after 1am, understand that Huanggang port operate 24hrs, can I get VOA from Huanggang? If not is it possible to stay at Huanggang port till VOA office open?
Which port is easier to travel from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, Luohu or Huanggang ?
Thank you.

Answers (1)
Answered by Olivia | Jul. 17, 2023 20:42
1. Photo is not required for applying the VOA.
2. Currently, Huanggang does not open 24 hours. But you can stay there till the immigration office opens. Also, arriving early, you can be in the front of the queue and get the visa earlier.
3. Both Luohu and Huanggang are easily reached by direct coach. Generally, Huanggang is less crowded. It's advised you decide which one to go after knowing the coach timetable upon landing in HK.

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