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Asked by Hirut from usa | Mar. 05, 2022 04:06
About:Year of the Rooster

Are rooster's prone to have this much anxioty

I'm a sixteen year old rooster who has yet to publish her works, and lately I'm been feeling down, there is no reason and I'm considered to be mentally healthy and my eating habits are fine. Just an idle question, Cockle--doodle--doo!

Answers (3)
Answered by USA | Mar. 07, 2022 07:38
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The entire world is feeling this! Don’t be too hard on yourself. It is an energy and you are sensitive to it! That’s a good thing! It’s good that you are focusing on you and curious about the why. Find simple joys to celebrate and find thanks for your opportunity to live on earth during this time. You are going to do great things 💗
(I am 1981 rooster. My daughter is 12 and experiences extreme anxiety. As her mom, I am the main one that helps her navigate these experiences. It’s troubling and confusing sometimes.)
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Answered by Isaiah Ar-Rashid | Sep. 30, 2022 21:27
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This answer and question sums up my year to a T it almost put me to tears as I am also publishing work in a procrastinating-anxious way 😫😩😂♒🙏🏾
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Answered by john | Feb. 25, 2023 09:50
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Sounds like a healthy dose of ADHD I know that feeling and your not the only one I know so many people with ADHD and its funny how I can identify who has it because its in our brains the behaviors show even though you don't realize it even more so for women harder to notice it with women my wife also has ADHD and so does her mother quite hilarious when you see them do the same things you did before medication.
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