Answered by CJ
Nov. 05, 2021 14:30
Please think twice about divorce. You can get through anything after 31 yrs together. Focus on what brought you together many years ago, and the things that you have been through together.... the good,the bad, and the ugly. Divorce may seem like an escape, but it's just a different "cage". I am divorced after many years of marriage. Think of your children, if you have any, even if they are grown. Take a separate vacation from each other. Seek counseling. Pray and meditate. Start dating each other again. Any or all of the above WILL help you. Your souls came together for a reason. There are no coincidences. Believe me, you don't want to be alone after so many years. Dating is very difficult when older. It's always darkest before the dawn of a new day. Best wishes in resolving these turbulent times you feel.