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Asked by Marzieh from Iran | Oct. 11, 2020 23:56
About:China Work Visa

Work visa process

Hello everyone
I was accepted by a school in China but they say you need to come here with a PU letter and then apply for Z visa inland .
Ive heard its better to apply in my country but they say its the new policy
I wanted to ask you can I get there by PU and then apply for z visa? Where should I go for getting this z visa? Can you please help me with that

Answers (1)
Answered by Mark | Oct. 12, 2020 07:17
Absolutely possible, Its like they want to confirm your employment once you arrived there. So, first what they will do is, invite you as a short term visitor and you should apply for a temporary entry visa by submitting PU letter. For example if you get M visa for 3 months, after you arrived, you have to apply for work permit and then change your temporary visa into residence permit. If you want to go for proper employment, just apply work permit from your country and go to embassy to apply for Z visa.

Once you are there already you don't need a z visa, you need residence permit. Z visa is just a entry visa for work purpose.

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