Asked by Sophie from australia | Jan. 15, 2020 22:22

About:Chinese Clay Figurine Museum
Sydney-changsha(6.5 hours layover)-Beijing(144hours TWOV)-soeul
Hello my name is Sophie.
My inbounding trip is Sydney to Changsha( 6.5 hour layover- getting free accomodation) to Beijing (stay 144hours TWOV) to soeul.
Outbounding trip is Seoul to Beijing (144hours TWOV) to haikou(6.5 hours layover-getting free accomodation) to Sydney.
1. Do I need a visa to go out to the free accomodation by Hainan airline?
2. If I need a 24 hours transit visa in Changsha, can I also apply TWOV in Beijing?
3. Can I also apply 144 hours TWOV two times in Beijing?