Answered by ZUPAN | Jan. 01, 2020 11:27
Part one:
Matt, Hainan VOA allows 30 days stay within China in total, but only 15 days are allowed to be spent outside of Hainan. In other words, your family members have to arrive first in Hainan and please, keep in mind that they cannot arrive to Hainan taking a direct flight from mainland China. Their immediate airport before Hainan has to be in the country different than mainland China. Hong Kong is allowed too. In reality, it is highly recommended.
Their departure from Hainan can be by direct flight to Beijing and they can stay with you in Beijing for the above mentioned 15 days. After that, they can take a flight from Beijing back home to Europe. To be clear, they don't need to spend 15 days in Hainan to be allowed to travel to Beijing or some other part of mainland China, but they can do this after just a day they have spent in Hainan.
Here one extremely important detail. Since some time, I would say roughly a year and a half ago, Chinese authorities have started to downplay the significance of all VOAs. They have practically revoked Xiamen VOA and seriously limited Shenzhen VOA by diminishing the number of eligible citizenship and also by diminishing the number of border crossings where a visitor can obtain a VOA. Zhuhai VOA is similar to a Shenzhen VOA in the sense of diminishing the eligible citizenship. Also, they have seriously downplayed Hainan VOA in favor of Hainan 30 day visa free access that has to be applied through an agency. Also, this option doesn't allow you to travel to other parts of mainland China after the stay in Hainan.