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Asked by Khine from Myanmar | Nov. 18, 2019 03:06
About:24-Hour Visa-Free Transit

About 26 hour tansit

I am getting confused about 24 hour visa free transit after going to Chinese embassy in my country. I went for Transit G visa for my transit at Kunming airport but I was told that it is not necessary. And I asked the China Eastern airline which I will take for my whole trip. They told me that I can go though immigration but not sure about leaving the airport. Is it possible that I can pass immigration and claim the buggage but I am not able to leave the airport? My transit time is about 25-26 hours as I will be arriving at 12:25 pm on 21st and leaving at 14:30 on 22nd November. I have booked my hotel outside the airport.
Any suggestion from your end?
Can I get the 24 hour visa free?

Answers (5)
Answered by CDKING from US | Nov. 18, 2019 11:14
That doesn't make sense. Maybe they want you to apply for Tourist (L) instead? Myanmar passport needs a visa since its over 24 hours
Answered by Khine from Myanmar | Nov. 18, 2019 18:39
They told me I don't need a visa at all. I told it is over 24 hour, they said it is ok.
I cannot do anything right now.
I don't have enough time to apply visa.
Hope for the best.
Answered by Khine from Myanmar | Nov. 18, 2019 19:21
Thank you anyway.
Answered by Khine from Myanmar | Nov. 23, 2019 01:24
Hi, This is to share with you my experience.
I successfully entered into Kunming without Visa. They allowed me because I would leave the next day. They did not calculate the specific hours.
Answered by ZUPAN | Nov. 23, 2019 02:13
Indeed, it appears on more and more examples, that actual 24 hour visa free transit is becoming a two calendar days transit. In other words, if you enter China on November 26, you have to exit on November 27 regardless if it is 24 hours or more than that. I have already heard of several good, first hand experiences and let's see and wait if the Chinese authorities will formally release this amended and adjusted rule. In any case, it would be fantastic.

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