Answered by ZUPAN | Dec. 20, 2019 13:27
Andrew, glad to hear from you :)
Your question is very logical and the answer will be very easy.
As we have already mentioned in our first posts, you will have the printouts of your flight tickets with you and you will declare at check-in in Vancouver that you will travel to Japan via China using 24 hour visa free transit. You will be allowed to board the plane, of course.
Here, one very important detail. Since you are flying by XiamenAir all the way to Shanghai, you will have to inform yourself at check-in in Vancouver about your luggage. It is possible that your luggage will be tagged all the way to Shanghai, but it is also possible that you will have to collect it in Xiamen and after that make a recheck for your flight to Shanghai. I have taken a look and have realized that your flight from Xiamen to Shanghai, if you will fly on MF8501, lands at Hongqiao and not Pudong airport. This is not a problem at all, but you have to know that you will have to take your Peach flight from another airport and that is Pudong airport.
Now, listen. Upon your arrival in Xiamen, the very first thing what will you do is to approach 24 hour visa free transit counter. At his counter you will apply for a temporary entry permit. It is this permit that allows you a continuation of your journey because your next flight will be a domestic one and also this permit will allow you to explore Shanghai as you wish. This permit is that thing that travelers wrongly call 24 hour visa free. In reality, your journey through China will be covered by 24 hour visa free transit, but to be allowed to exit the airport, you need a temporary entry permit and you will obtain one in Xiamen.
If you need some additional clarifications, just don't hesitate to ask. Of course, I wish a blessed Christmas to you and also to your entire family :)