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Asked by Mike from south korea | Jul. 01, 2019 08:47
About:24-Hour Visa-Free Transit

szx- hong kong - szx

Good evening,

Traveling with family (4 members) to six from south korea. Plan is to visit hong kong for a day for disneyland and then return to shenzhen for 2 days prior to leaving back to south korea.

Is their a feasible VOA or visa free option.

Thank you in advance for your help

Answers (3)
Answered by Mike | Jul. 01, 2019 08:48
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Good evening,

Forgot to mention that my family and I hold US passports!

Thank you!!

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Answered by Mike | Jul. 01, 2019 08:49
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Our plan was to travel to hong kong by train and return to shenzhen through LoWu entry point from disneyland in hong kong.
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Answered by ZUPAN | Jul. 01, 2019 10:01
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You have understood the process very well. Just few additional details for you to decide whether the entire construction is acceptable for your plans:

- To be eligible for 144 hours visa free transit in Shenzhen, you have to stay for at least 25 hours within Guangdong province before you exit to Hong Kong.
- You will have to book your ferry ticket at CKS - Chu Kong Passenger Transport Company website for Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal in advance so that your declared itinerary is South Korea - Shenzhen - Hong Kong in the real sense. You will have to have this ticket (in reality e-confirmation with all the names and passport numbers) in your hand at the moment of check-in in South Korea.
- After your stay in Hong Kong you can return to Shenzhen via Lo Wu / Luohu border crossing using Shenzhen visa on arrival. You are allowed to depart from Shenzhen to South Korea directly by plane.

As you can see, this is all possible, but one huge drawback is the price of Shenzhen VOA for US passport holders that is 956 CNY per person.
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