Asked by Dave from Canada | Jul. 31, 2018 12:58


I want to take High Speed train from Chengdu to Leshan, see Giant Buddha and then take High Speed Train or Shuttle bus to Emeishan to see Mount EMEI. I want to spend the night as close as possible to the high point because in the morning I want to see the sunrise from the mountain.

Once I arrive in Emeishan station what's the procedure? Can I take the Cable car? How far is the cable car from the station? How far does it take up the mountain? Any good hotel at the high point?

Any information will be appreciated.

Answers (2)
Answered by Nick from USA | Jul. 31, 2018 19:07
Upon arrival, you can take bus line 12 from the railway station to Baoguosi Station. Then take a tourist bus to Leidongping. Then you need to walk about 40 minutes to JIayindian to take Cable cars. It takes about 2 to 3 hours to get to the top if you plan to take cable car. Yes, there are a lot of hotels on the top of the mountain.
Answered by Dave from Canada | Aug. 01, 2018 08:59
Hi Nick,

Thanks for your help. You said " It takes about 2 to 3 hours to get to the top if you plan to take cable car.". Is there any alternative other than trekking?
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