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Asked by rebecca from USA | May. 02, 2018 18:44
About:China High Speed Train

Is smoking allowed on high speed trains in China?

We are a tall family of 5 traveling from the U.S. My husband, for example, is 6 feet 6 inches tall, and my teenage son is 6'3" (though slim). Would we be ok in 2nd class for 8 hour trip? Also, are these rides "non smoking" hopefully? Finally, is there WIFI available? (Looking at Chengdu to Beijing)... Thank you!

Answers (1)
Answered by Johnny | May. 03, 2018 04:59
The high speed rides are non smoking rides. However, based on my experience, the second class seat is almost the same space like economy class of a flight, maybe a little larger but not a very big difference. The space is indeed very limited for your family.

There is no wifi available and also I find that some free wifi requests your register by wechat which I don't have. So it does not work for me

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