Hello, I need your help please.im USA citizen with American passport.
i live and work here in USA.my wife is Chinese.she lives and works in China,and babies,who are USA citizens, they are attending kindergarden/school in China, there is something called family visa, or family permit,something like that. I would like to ask you guys who know about that proccedures. Can I apply/get this type( family visa) ?
Currently I have a 10 year TOURISM L type with multiple entries,in my passport.
Can I apply / get this so called,family permit? or whatever is called. OR what would,you suggest?
I'm ok with my current L type with gives me flexibility to travel, BUT .because of school purposes for my babies who attend kindergarden/ school in China , I need to change ( even if I have to pay/, start all over again) my tourism L type into more specific visa( according to school officials in China) other wise , my babies CANT attend school in China :(
PLEASE ,give me your assistance and help in this issue.