Please help, I am stuck and not sure what to do. question about 72 hour free transit policy
I purchased my tickets under the impression that I would be able to use the Transit 72 Hour free transit. I am an Australian Citizen
I have now come across a website which advises that according to TiMATIC (seems to be subscription only – not sure if you guys have access to it) the Transit Visa in China (for Beijing only) has now changed as of Oct 2016 and that the time to depart Beijing has to be within 72 hours of scheduled arrival. As opposed to previously starting the 72 hours from Midnight the day of arrival.
My times are as follows :
Departing Sydney 2nd March 840pm
Arrive Beijing 3rd March 530am
Depart Beijing 6th March 1130am
Arrive Tokyo 410pm.
Under previous rules the above dates would allow me to use the 72 hour transit. There is only a difference of a few hours – over 72, not sure if this will cause any major issues…?