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Asked by Nancy from USA | Feb. 06, 2017 22:24
About:Hong Kong Visa Application

Vietnamese residing at New york, needs Hong Kong tourist visa

I carry Vietnam passport and USA greencard. I am going to stop in Hong kong 4 days for tourism. I need to apply Hong kong visa. I went to Chinese consulate in NY, they told me to contact directly to Hong Kong immigrations. Should i send all my documents by mail? I only need send the photocopy my passort, not orginal ? How can i send the payments fees by HK dollars from US? I went to the bankand Western Union. They only accept to send out USD dollars. Can you kindly let me know the process? Thanks. Diem

Answers (1)
Answered by Yvonne from Bermuda Islands | Feb. 07, 2017 01:30
Nancy, yeah, you can send all your documents to HK immigration department by mail. Only copy of your passport is needed.
If the application is sent to the HK Immigration Department directly by post, the fees in the form of a cashier order or a bank draft should be sent together with the application. The cashier order or bank draft should be issued by a bank which has a connected bank in the HKSAR and made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". No cash should be sent with the application.

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