My husband and I are traveling for our anniversary
I am a us citizen and my husband is a Jamaican citizen. We will be leaving from Jfk to several countries as we tour China and Japan on our trip. We plan on first stopping in Beiging for 3 night leaving on the 4 th day to Hong Kong. Our flight gets in very late to Beiging, almost midnight at 11:53 pm via Shanghi. We leave for Hong Kong at 4:00 pm before the 72 hours is up. Two questions. If we transit via Shanghi for no more than 24 hours at a time, are we good without a visa? Are we good with a 72 hour visa in Beijing to be a tourist and see the Great Wall? On our way back from Tokyo we are traveling via Shanghi. We will not be going back to Beijing.
Also do we need a visa for Hong Kong?
Thanks for your help. We wanted to stay 3 night in Beijing, 3 nights in Hong Kong, 4 nights in Japan, and 1 night on the way home in Shanghi. Your comments are greatly appreciated.