Questions regarding request Visa to China early over 3 months from the beginning of the trip.
To whom it may concern:
I lived in Houston, Texas and I am a US Citizens. I just booked the tour to PRC with Sinorama Holidays Travel Agency in Montreal. My trip from March 26 to April 9-2017 (2 weeks of next year).
1/ My question is: May I request the entry permit for PRC around Dec. 1-2016? (over 3 months early).
The reason is: I will be travel out of the US from Dec. 13-2016 and will not return to the US until March 1-2017, therefore I would like to request the entry permit for my PRC trip early so when I return to US from the previous trips, all the paper works will be ready for me to go for the next trip on March 26-2017.
2/ Sinorama Travel Agency had informed me that they will send the Travel information for me around the end of November 2016 for me to apply the entry permit early, however the paperwork will be in Template Information for Application purposes only (not the actual reservation paperwork). Is this ok with the Template Information?
3/ How long does it take to request the entry permit for PRC? How much for the fee?
4/ What documents besides "Original Passport, Pics, Applications, The Template Information from Sironama Travel Agency showing that I had booked the Tour from March 26 to April 9-2017", what else do I need to bring to your office for request an entry permit for PRC?
5/ What is the date to effect on the entry permit? From the Issued date? or from the beginning of the trip?
Please answer all the above questions. And thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
Best Regards,
Nam Mai