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Asked by Mario from China | Jun. 26, 2016 04:18
About:China Visa Renewal and Extension

Z status visa about to expire - new job - current company won't transfer or let me leave earlier

The current employer won't transfer my stuff. I don't know what to call it. I know that I have a Z status and a residence permit. They both expire on the same day as my last day of work. My current employer will not let me end employment sooner. If I could then I would have been able to submit my documentation for a transfer. Now because it will expire than I will have to allow them to cancel my current residence permit. So what they will do is support and get me an H visa which is good for 30 days. During that time I will then be able to start the process of giving my release letter from old employer to new employer. New employer can start process to obtain new Z type or not? I will also need to get a foreign expert certificate but I'm not sure if I can get one before the H runs out? I'm so confused. I need to basically get a new Z type which takes while in china how long? I'm American. Then apply for the expert certificate but how long does that take? Am I going to have to leave for Hong Kong? Someone told me that but why? Why can't I do something now instead? Is there anything I can do? Would getting my release letter earlier change anything?

Answers (2)
Answered by James from Brazil | Jun. 27, 2016 21:55
Mario, you can apply for a 30-day H type after you work Z type expires and you can give the release letter to your new employer to apply for the new work Z type.
Usually, the foreign expert certificate can be obtained within 10 working days after submitting the application. You can stay in PRC and then try to apply for the work Z type at the exit and entry administration of the local PSB. But if it cannot be done within PRC, you can go to HK and have a try.
If you can get the release letter earlier, your new employer can get you the foreign expert certificate and invitation letter of duly authorized unit earlier. Maybe you can get the work Z type earlier.
Answered by Mario from China | Jun. 28, 2016 03:35
Thank you.

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