Existing contract versus new policy
I was been teaching in wuhan since 2012. My latest sign contract dated august 2015 to august 2016. My z visa is expiring on March 11,2016. But the SAFEA said they cannot renew my foreign expert because of new policy that only native english speaker is allowed to teach in china effective january 2016. I was not informed beforehand by my school about this only i confirmed true when i went to SAFEA before CNY...I still have existing date contract from my school..my contract were signed first before this new policy came about...i do not have enough time..what shall i do? Shall i ask the safea for the second time?...shall i proceed to PSB with my contract and ask for extension for the remaining existing march to july 31, 2016?..they said PRC is communist country and they will remember you hard for too much asking..am i asking too much?.. I have contract and it's my right to see it is observe too..help me brave smart mind out there..i am not happy about this abrupt new policy..not just me but al filipino teachers too..they are just quiet coz they are scared to be mis interpreted.. I will respect this new policy but i respect also my profession with my contract beforehand existed.. Advise the the right and legal steps..thank you.. Am waiting for reply