Asked by Abby from USA | Nov. 04, 2015 19:07
About:Who built the Great Wall of China?

What resources were needed to build the Great Wall?

Answers (6)
Answered by Susan from Ireland | Nov. 04, 2015 20:08
Abby, first labour forces were required. That's why the government deployed armies and forced civilians to build the wall. As for buidling materials, rammed earth was used early. Later, bricks and cementation materials (such as sticky rice juice, lime and motar) were used so that the walls became stronger.
Answered by goya from India | Nov. 11, 2015 21:15
they need, bricke, shovel, slaves, sand,mud
Answered by Kyle from USA | Nov. 12, 2015 19:59
They did not use slaves. Men were drafted by the government to work on the wall.
Answered by Rod from Switzerland | Nov. 21, 2015 15:15
During the construction of the Qin Wall, 300,000 soldiers under the command of Meng Tian were sent to build the Great Wall after they defeated Xiongnu (they represented about 1 in 10 able male laborers). The project extended for approximately 5,000km and required many more laborers.

During the Qin Dynasty, criminals were either fined or made to do do forced labor and if they could not pay their fines, they were forced to work, the term for this practice is "chengdan". In order that they could not run away, their faces were tattoed and hair shaved off.

When in dire need, workers were hired, but this practice was frowned upon. A bamboo slip found by archeologists notes that Governor Li (232 BC), ordered that the civilians not be used to transport materials to the wall because this work was detrimental to their well being and is a waste of the human resources of the State.
Answered by Rod from Switzerland | Nov. 21, 2015 15:17
So were slaves used in the construction of the Wall? the answer depends on whether you consider forced labor to be the same as slavery
Answered by DoGe from DoGeLand | Dec. 16, 2015 12:38
The government forced them to flee their home to work on the wall
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