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Asked by Natalie from Canada | Sep. 16, 2015 00:10
About:Chinese Etiquette

Old Chinese Man in Nursing Home

I am a volunteer at a nursing home, and we have a Chinese man (Mandarin) who speaks/reads/writes, no English. Only 1 person in the building (100-200 patients) speaks Chinese. As a byproduct, I have written up basic study cards in Chinese writing, with pictures (and the pinyin and English), to communicate with him (do you want a drink? etc.), and so far, it's working. That said, I'm worried about saying/doing something rude. Are there any particular things that I should do/not do to make things more comfortable for him?

Answers (2)
Answered by Vicky from Singapore | Sep. 17, 2015 04:11
Natalie, you've done very well. He must have felt that you are really nice to him. I think you should avoid talking to him about his family, kids and other personal matters. These things might make him feel sad because Chinese seniors are usually taken care of by their kids. If young people send their parents to the nursing home, then they are unfilial in other people's eyes.
Answered by Danny from Chinese | Oct. 18, 2015 19:59
You are right,it seems you really know about our Chinese manners,haha

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