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Asked by judy from usa | Aug. 04, 2015 12:41
About:Visa Application for Children Born in US with Chinese Parents

How does my son, born in the US, enter China to work for 1-2 years?

My husband and I were born in Hong Kong, emigrated to the US when we were 11 and 10 respectively. We have our HK birth certificates, and our US passports. Our 25 year old son was born in the US, and he is interested in possibly working in China for 1-2 years. He has a US passport. What do we/ does he, need to do to make that happen?


Answers (3)
Answered by George | Aug. 05, 2015 04:04
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Hello Judy. First of all, he should find a company in China which wishes to recruit him. Then, ask the company to get a work license and invitation letter from duly authorized unit. Next, prepare his passport and passport copy. Download an application form from the website of the embassy and fill in the blanks. Apply a recent photo of him onto the form. Last, take all documents to the consular office to submit the application.
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Answered by judy | Aug. 05, 2015 10:46
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Thank you, George. Which specific application on the web should he complete?
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Answered by George | Aug. 06, 2015 02:28
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He can download it from the page of any Chinese overseas embassy. The application form for all types are the same.
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