Answered by Colin S
Apr. 05, 2018 02:24
Hey guys, should know that Wuhan has and is changing dramatically. In fact, Wuhans motto is "Wuhan changing everyday", which, believe me is absolutely true.
Therefore, not only Wuhan, but for most larger cities you must take any older reviews with a grain of salt: by this I mean even 1 year.
In 2017, the subway to the airport was completed, as was the new International Terminal, both great.
Why people complain is beyond me, thats part of the charm of travelling. There are many international airports that still don't have direct lines to the city: Auckland and Toronto come to mind. Also, in the scheme of things, for most people....Wuhan is not even on the map.
As for not speaking English, just look around you and there will always be someone to help and translate for you. This is from an expat living here for over 10 years: is it perfect? No.