Are you positive that Dragons and Rabbits are completely incompatible?!
Let me make this concise: I am a Metal Dragon born in 2000, while he is an Earth Rabbit born one year before me. Contrary to what the Zodiac claims, we don't seem to be enemies at all. I have never felt this passionate about someone in my lifetime and am sure that nothing in the world (not even the star signs) can ever change this. So what exactly makes you think that you have full insight into such abstract conceptions as love? A simple interpretation of what you're saying is that several celestial bodies alone have domination over human choices! I'm sorry, but unless you can consider yourself an ultimate divine being, which I doubt, then there's no reason to thrust yourself on such a high pedestal. What an extremely pretentious thing to do.
P.S. I was offended by your most curious description of how "true love is often intangible to Dragons".