Asked by M from United Kingdom | Mar. 22, 2015 03:39
About:Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

My husband is a dog and 5 years younger than me. I am a snake.

We would have been married 10 years this year but he has told me he is leaving. Do you think there is any hope of a reconciliation? We do not have children together (I am bit too old now) But he has helped raise two boys from my first marriage from young ages.

Answers (4)
Answered by Yoyo from France | Mar. 22, 2015 04:20
Well, communication is very important. You should ask him if there is any misunderstanding between. Or why would he want to leave suddenly. If the problem can be solved, maybe you will have a chance to conciliate. Anyway, you need to do something to save your marriage if you still have feelings for him. Wish you good luck
Answered by M from United Kingdom | Mar. 23, 2015 15:54
Dear Yoyo

Thank you for your reply. I have tried to reach him but it feels as if he is holding back. He says he would like children of his own and I dont feel I can come between that.
Answered by Zoey from Netherlands | Mar. 24, 2015 02:46
M, are you sure that he doesn't have a relationship with another woman? It sounds that he just finds an excuse to break up with you. If he really wanted his own kids, he shouldn't have raised your kids from young ages.

Anyway, if you can't get him back, just let him go. I believe that you will find someone who will cherish you very much.
Answered by M from United Kingdom | Mar. 24, 2015 16:17
Dear Zoey

Thank you for your reply. He says he definately isnt seeing anyone else but I cannot know this for sure. I feel convinced when he says it when I am with him, however I quickly distrust him when he is not around.

I agree - I think I am already starting to let him go, thats why it hurts so. I will hold onto your belief. I cant go there in my mind yet but it gives me some hope.

Many thanks
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