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Asked by Austin from USA | Feb. 24, 2015 08:18
About:China Work Visa

Teaching English and only 22

I want to teach English after I graduate next year and I will be 22. I will have a bachelors degree. I also have an accredited 150 hour TEFL and TESOL certification. However, I read somewhere that you have to have 2 years (post graduate) work experience to qualify. I will also be volunteering to teach English this year and my senior year, will this qualify me?

I've been dreaming of going to China, but even though I will have these credentials, will it still be impossible for me to go until I'm 24 and have two years experience AFTER I graduate?? That is way too long!!

Answers (1)
Answered by Zara from United Kingdom | Mar. 01, 2015 03:35
Austin, the age requirement for obtaining the China work permit is between 18 to 55 for females, so your age won't be a problem. As for the two-year experience, I personally think the volunteer work may count, but I'm not sure about it. You can cosult it with the Chinese embassy in the US.

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