Asked by Robert M. from USA | Feb. 09, 2015 09:16
About:China Facts

Are ethnically mixed marriages as common in china as it is in America?

It is common in America to see people of different ethnic backgrounds marrying one another. but is it as common in china? for example, a native Chinese woman marrying a man of Hispanic origin, or a Chinese man marrying a woman from Guam or Philippines?

Answers (3)
Answered by Rick from Hungary | Feb. 09, 2015 21:40
Robert, international marriages have increased in recent years China. However, it isn't as common as Chinese marriages. By the way, it's more common to see Chinese girls marry foreigners. And it's very rare that Chinese men marry foreign girls.
Answered by Robert M from USA | Feb. 10, 2015 09:31
Thank you for your response. To get an idea of ballpark numbers, what would you personally estimate the number of mixed marriages out of 100 to be? I assume it to be a very low number. My guess is also that this is attributed to the culture or history of China and how "outsiders" are viewed.
Answered by Rick | Feb. 10, 2015 21:15
Robert, it's really hard to estimate it. You know, international marriage may occur frequently in the developed cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. People there are much more open. However, international marriage is very rare in northwest part of China.
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