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Asked by saikatkundu | Jan. 20, 2015 12:43
About:China Postal Service

Retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner

Today, when i went there, i understood the reason very clearly. The 'commissioner' is a title given to an official from the Kolkata customs dept. He is actually not the commissioner of customs :)

Parcels get delayed and the message shows ~ "awaiting presentation to customs commissioner" because either the person is on leave or the work pressure is tremendously high. No need to worry!!! :) just wait for few days and keep a regular track-check!! And yes, also contact your local post office well before time.. :)

But indeed, they were quite helpful!! The assistants checked my tracking no. In their system. The details were even more clear, like who will be checking my parcel, etc.

I was confused because i never went into such govt. Office before. The ground floor is the parcels' arrival depot. The server room is in the second floor. Yes, when i saw the 'heap' of international parcels, i understood that their work pressure was indeed high. I have already waited for 45 days.... 7 days more won't affect much... :)

So, guys, if you are expecting an international post (regd. Or ems) just one thing that you need to have 'Patience' :)

And yes, do provide your name and contact details accurately at the time of booking in any e-commerce site.

They said that once it gets through customs, just another 2 days t reach me at my home.... That's it! :) Nevertheless, if you do not receive even after 2 weeks of customs stay, i will suggest you to call / visit them and inquire directly... They will help.

So, relax and keep a track regularly.

Answers (207)
Answered by Saikat | Jan. 21, 2015 13:23
213 5 Reply
Dear Friend,
This has a DEFINITE issue with tracking parcels. For many trackers guess what "Retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner" means. I was one of them, myself.

I read through many posts in different websites and thought it might be helpful to those with similar probs. That's it.

Readers who face this problem may consider the solution, cause this is genuine, as I have faced it myself.

Don't know about you, friend...?! :)
213 5 Reply
Answered by sheila | Jan. 22, 2015 23:39
7 4 Reply
Hi Saikat! thank you very much for your valuable info. faced the same prob here. this was very helpful. thx again
7 4 Reply
Answered by Janice | Jan. 23, 2015 05:17
13 0 Reply
hello seiket .Alice from China. thenk u very much 4 this informtion. very helped me in my shippments 2 india. thenk you more and more.
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Answered by Sanchita Brahma | Jan. 26, 2015 23:34
8 1 Reply
Great info, friend. thanx, anyways!
8 1 Reply
Answered by Leonardo | Jan. 29, 2015 06:56
3 1 Reply
i was also getting the same info. wondered what was wrong . thank you so very much for the valuable information mr. saikat. god bless.
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Answered by Gabriel | Jan. 29, 2015 07:00
2 2 Reply
Excellent info, dude! Thanks.
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Answered by Wasir | Feb. 12, 2015 04:16
2 1 Reply
Good information to all people who are waiting eagerly for their parcels. Thanks bro!
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Answered by Chintan Mehta | Apr. 27, 2015 09:28
1 3 Reply
you said today, when i went there, i understood the reason very clearly.

Where did you go? Which office? Can u be more clear pls.
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Answered by Saikat | Apr. 28, 2015 05:41
11 0 Reply
Hi Chintan!
I stay in Kolkata. I went to the Foreign Post Office in Strand Road. Spoke with the officials there and understood the reason.

What is the problem that you are facing, dear? And what is your Tracking No.? Thanks.
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Answered by Chintan Mehta | Apr. 28, 2015 13:58
2 3 Reply
I have a couple of packages. Pls give me ur mail id I will send the tracking numbers. I tracked them but the reason states -Retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner.
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Answered by Sumit Biswas | Aug. 11, 2015 05:07
1 0 Reply
Thanks a lot for the info. :)
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Answered by Saikat | Oct. 06, 2015 23:28
14 2 Reply
Just let the customs do their duty. If any issue comes up, they will contact you. Thnx.
14 2 Reply
Answered by Abhijit Bose | Apr. 19, 2016 01:41
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Hi Saikat, sorry to open a reply chain, Could you please tell me is this Customs office, kolkata is in BBD bag area?
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Answered by Saikat | Apr. 19, 2016 05:27
13 0 Reply
Oh yes, Abhijit!! It is there, just behind HighCourt.

You can go there and check. But they will not handover the parcel to you there...
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Answered by Joy | Apr. 22, 2016 13:24
1 0 Reply
Hi Saikat, those info you gave are really helpful, but I am in the same position as you were. Same retention reason showing, so according to you I should wait more. My product purchased from Ali (a smart watch) is stuck in kolkata custom office with the same retention reason. So how long should I wait ? Is there anything that I need to do ? Do I have to visit the custom house ?

Pls guide buddy as you have gone through and experienced the same thing and hopefully got your product delivered. BTW a contact email id would be much appreciated brother.
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Answered by Joy | Apr. 27, 2016 07:57
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Hi Saikat, Thanks for the reply, well I am waiting from 12 april 2016 till date and always see the same reason in the sites I check for the status of my parcel, I called up the custom house, they are nice people they asked me to call the FPO PAD Department, I called up the FPO customer service number which is answered by someone in Delhi, they gave me a local number of Kolkata which no one picks up. Thus I am planning to go to the FPO and inquire myself, what I fear is if they ask me to pay heavy duty then I would be doomed. I am thinking of telling them to return the package to the sender if heavy duty is imposed. BTW - I ordered a smart watch from China is that a reason for it to get stuck?
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Answered by Joy | Apr. 28, 2016 04:05
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Hi Saikat

Tracking number: RB050963188SG
I had asked one of my relative who is working in Dalhousie to visit and check, he did and the custom people told him that I have to pay custom duty. So tomorrow I will personally go and see what amount of duty have they levied on the item, if it is not much then I will get the product by paying custom duty else I will ask them to return it to the seller in China.
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Answered by Joy | Apr. 28, 2016 12:34
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Since it is almost a month that is why I asked one of my relative to check in the FPO, am not in that hurry but I fear to much keeping the item with them might get my item broken which no one will take liability of, usually there is an approx 30% duty charged on most of the items, the seller shows me an invoice of $17 so 30% makes another approx $5, I can bear that much, but if it is more than that then I have to ask them to return the package to the seller and I have informed them the same. There are more items which cannot be tracked at all, don't even know if they are with FPO or stolen and sold in Khiderpore or what....
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Answered by Joy | Apr. 29, 2016 04:44
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Hi Here is an update
I went to FPO today, just got back now.
WoW I must say that I have not seen a better and sober and good govt official til date. Most of them aged above 50 and are all so nice people, but they know the trade.

The custom commissioner is no commissioner but just an official sitting there in an old table and chair, the ground floor and even the first floor all loaded with goods and they are randomly checking out each item, entering them in the DB, keeping records.

So the commissioner told me that the parcel was under valued and took my number and said he will call me tomorrow to let me know the duty imposed. Since I stick to what was the truth, I told him that I purchased online for personal use for $xx and was not aware that for saving tax the seller had undervalued the item and had sent it to me. He looked pleased but then they would not release the parcel, they will inform me tomorrow the duty amount, if I agree to pay they will release it and it would come to me in few days via local post office else if I do not agree then they would ship the parcel back to the seller.
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Answered by Joy | May. 01, 2016 07:39
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Hi Saikat
The FPO guy did not called me but today in IPS tracking I see some movement.
4/30/2016 3:44:26 PM India KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO Return item from customs (Inb) Air CED KOLKATA
4/30/2016 4:29:30 PM India KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO Send item to domestic location (Inb) Air CRC (TD) Kolkata RMS

Can you explain what this means ??? I think I do not have to pay any duty any more.
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Answered by Joy | May. 01, 2016 08:02
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or does Air CRC (TD) Kolkata RMS means I have to pay some duty ? because the FPO guy did not called me as he said he would to let me know the tax or duty amount ? Now am again confused
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Answered by Joy | May. 02, 2016 06:36
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Hi Saikat, Thanks for boosting my self esteem, however I am confused with the term CRC (TD) Kolkata RMS, I tried searching google but what comes out is Non-TD, can you help me out understand what does this term CRC (TD) Kolkata RMS stands for which in obvious is related to the speed post EMS service but this TD and Non TD words confuses me. Pls help with your findings.
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Answered by Joy | May. 03, 2016 09:13
6 1 Reply
Thanks a lot Saikat for all the info, you are of great help man. UPDATE: I got the product delivered to my address today by my local PO with no NO NO no duty or charges. Bless that custom gentleman at FPO, really I have not seen such nice govt official, my visit to FPO and custom house was worth this experience. :) :)
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Answered by Ankush Kumar | May. 05, 2016 05:52
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I anyone going to the FPO in the near future. My parcel is in "Awating presentaion to Customs commisioner " state .I am currently out of kolkata and if someone can check it out for me itll be a great help.

Tracking no- RL147252795CN
ph no -9007741767
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Answered by Asen Longchar | May. 05, 2016 08:15
0 1 Reply
Hello Saikat, I'm facing the same problem. I have ordered a shoe from Ali express, China on April 1st and it reached Kolkata FPO on 19th April and since then it has not moved from the FPO. Can you please help me out? I have tried calling the FPO Kolkata but no one answers. I'm from the Northeast state, Nagaland.
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Answered by Eliot | May. 05, 2016 22:59
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Ankush, here is the latest update about your first parcel:
2016-05-01 15:21
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, CED KOLKATA, Retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner

But I didn't find any information about your second one. Please make a check of the tracking number so that I can help you get the information.
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Answered by Ankush Kumar | May. 06, 2016 05:30
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Hi Eliot,

Thanks for the update I already know the status of my parcel. I was wondering weather someone was going to visit the FPO in the near future so that they can update me regarding the reason for the hold up As i am currently not in Kolkata
P.s the second one is not tracking no but my contact number in case some onw wanted to reach me for further information
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Answered by Joy | May. 06, 2016 10:30
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Hi Ankush

Sending anyone else wont help as I tried that option and later had to go myself, the fact is they might ask some question which only you would be able to answer, moreover they would check your Tracking info, give you a IPS page print and ask you to write the name, address and phone number as on the parcel, they can ask you to questions like how much you have purchased for, from where have you purchased it and any other question that they feel is right. I would suggest you personally visit them once or wait with some patience. When you visit be down to the earth and address the officer as SIR and try to get your parcel moving, they will not hand over the parcel to you for any reason but once the parcel starts movement you would get it via your local post to the address mentioned on the parcel in a few weeks time, keep checking the IPS or India Post website for tracking
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Answered by Joy | May. 06, 2016 10:33
6 0 Reply
Hi Asen

Visit FPO yourself, pls read my reply to Ankur and you will understand everything
One more word for all those who are shopping from aliexpress, STOP shopping from the site, most of the seller are fake they do not refund - they are all confused "aatma" (souls), the dispute team hangs you more and is more inclined towards the seller side.
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Answered by Asen | May. 06, 2016 11:36
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Thank you Joy, for the information. But as I mentioned in the text above that I'm not from Kolkata and it's not possible for me to visit because I'm from Nagaland. Is there any other way to contact the FPO Kolkata because I have tried calling them but no one answers the phone.
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Answered by Joy | May. 07, 2016 12:58
1 0 Reply
Hi Asen

I fear there is no way apart from you visiting personally and speaking to the custom commissioner yourself and as of the phone answering is concerned, well they do not answer calls because there are thousands and lacs of people calling each day, the FPO dept has less people and more work to do. It is not only your parcel which is stuck but so many other parcels, you cant even imagine, if you see it with your own eyes then you can understand because the whole office is a complete storage house setup.
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Answered by Samir Mitra | May. 12, 2016 04:16
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Hello Saikatda I am samir from hooghly, my percel is also from aliexpress and my item also showing same tracking info that is RE416180456SE Just tell da can I go there and take the Item from them by showing valid proof? cause took almost 2weeks
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Answered by rai | May. 20, 2016 08:58
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Hello, can someone help me track my parcel with id. 70329787406. I cannot track it after 9 th Jan 2016. My parcel has been ordered from aliexpress. Should I go to the FPO, Kolkata and enquire??
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Answered by Liya | Jun. 04, 2016 03:25
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Dear Mr. Saikat Kundu,
Could you please tell me the duty free maximum invoice amount of Garments import from China to India.
Regards, Liya
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Answered by prasanth | Jun. 10, 2016 08:21
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Hi Saikat,

I am on same boat, since 24th May, the parcel show same statu as awaiting custome presentation. Bad is that I am from hyderabad and cant go personally to kolkatta customs. RF245313579CN is the tracking id. It does not change after 24th May. It has been almost 16 days now. I read on web that they will take usually max of two weeks.. I am really worrried and I am thinking i should stop ordering on aliexpress with chinapost..because we pay before and waiting for so many days... can you please help

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Answered by Judhajeet Das | Jun. 11, 2016 00:51
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I am facing the same issue man... Whom should I contact for this? Should I call Kolkata Customs or visit their Office? :D I am urgently needing my parcel
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Answered by Judhajeet Das | Jun. 14, 2016 13:01
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Mr. Saikat Kundu, can you please help with the address of the Kolkata Custom department for visiting regarding my parcel. I hope they can help me their. Please say me the location and address as I couldn't find that anywhere. Would be helpful thank You sir. :)
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Answered by Madhu | Jun. 15, 2016 23:25
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I can see from speedpost tracking that your consignment RL147252795CN has been delivered on 15th of last month. I would like to know whether customs charged you any additional fee? if so what was the percentage? My consignment from aliexpress is also hold by customs with remarks "Custom Retention Reason: Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner".

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Answered by Pranav | Jun. 27, 2016 11:50
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Hi saikat my tracking ID is RS471577702NL it is showing awaiting presentation to custom commissioner since 7 days. Can u please help me with this.
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Answered by adak1730 | Jul. 07, 2016 22:36
1 0 Reply
ho boss very very thank you
now im relaxed after read your post
ones again very very thank u
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Answered by Shilpa Kotian | Jul. 14, 2016 05:07
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Hi Nishant.. My Tracking is also showing the status today "waiting presentation to Customs commissioner". So has you status now being updated and have you received your parcel?
I have already been waiting for a month and now running out of patience!!!
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Answered by Shilpa Kotian | Jul. 14, 2016 05:10
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Hi Saikat, Can you please guide how to contact local PO..I am from Navi Mumbai...
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Answered by Shubham MP | Jul. 16, 2016 16:01
1 1 Reply
WOW! Man thanks for the PRECIOUS Information, I have Few parcels at Mumbai Exchange office with same reason "Custom Retention Reason: Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner" from 12/07/16. Firstly i got confused about the status, after a little research i came to your post and found my answer. Now i can wait for it without any Hurry or Tension for more days, as on tracking some Parcels shared below i found that waiting period for this state can be up to 20 Days, hope for the same and believe that parcels will be released soon, last month my parcel was not stopped and delivered on 9th day of shipping via Singapore Post, so i was confused why this time parcels show such update. But i know what i have to do as of now "WAIT" that's it. Thanks again for your precious information.
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Answered by Shilpa kotian | Jul. 20, 2016 11:59
1 4 Reply
Wow congrats finally u r going to get ur courier delivered in a day or two...sigh..i m still waiting with patience...
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Answered by Pranav | Jul. 20, 2016 12:31
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Hi saikat, pranav here, my tracking ID is RS471577702NL. Actually I have ordered a goophone note 5 from China worth dollar 61.48 that is approx rs.4250; now I have been charged with custom tax of rs.17000/- as they thought it to be original Samsung note5. I sent my parcel for re-assessment along with website's order screenshot and seller's invoice copy. Will the custom people will consider it and charge me with less tax? Pls help. Thank you in advance.
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Answered by Pranav | Jul. 21, 2016 10:47
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Saikat please help. Custom people are not ready to understand.
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Answered by anomos | Jul. 23, 2016 01:39
3 1 Reply
Kolkata people are very unprofessional and currupt .Same on such unprofessional people.I have been to foreign post when I enquired about the my parcel , custom officer officer told me that they have not present any such parcel where in the tracking it mentions that they have present the parcel to them .The custom officer told me that it requires minutes to check and clear once it is presented to them.
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Answered by San | Jul. 24, 2016 05:24
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I have documents parcel waiting for clerance since last 7 days at Kolkata for same reason. These custom or whosoever are really corrupt and inefficient persons.
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Answered by Pranav | Jul. 24, 2016 05:41
0 1 Reply
Saikat pranav here, pls help me for my above posted query.
Thank you.
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Answered by K. Chatterjee | Jul. 26, 2016 14:16
0 2 Reply
How to track unregistered parcel from China which was not delivered for more than three months?
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Answered by sabyasachi | Aug. 04, 2016 03:25
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hiii.. facing same issue. I make a order a mini projector, price 30$, I have a qus: where to pay custom duty in FPO or postman who come to me for deliver? and plzz say how many days to wait :P
3/08/2016 Kolkata (ex Calcutta) Exchange Office (INDIA) Custom Retention Reason: Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner
01/08/2016 Kolkata (ex Calcutta) Exchange Office (INDIA) Article Received
29/07/2016 Singapore Exchange Office (SINGAPORE) Article Bagged
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Answered by sabyasachi | Aug. 10, 2016 00:23
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today status is other...what is the meaning of "other"...:(

09/08/2016 18:46:16 Kolkata (ex Calcutta) Exchange Office (INDIA) Custom Retention Reason: Other
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Answered by S Banerjee | Aug. 20, 2016 11:16
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Hello Mr.Saikat,

Many thanks for all the information. A short query. In ipsweb tracking what is the difference between "CRC-TD" & "CRC-Non TD"
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Answered by sudipta k roy | Aug. 22, 2016 07:01
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Thank you for the kind explanation. i was worried. how long do you think still it takes approximately.
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Answered by Sabyasachi | Aug. 25, 2016 00:02
0 3 Reply
Thank you all :D, at least receive my LED projector at 12 aug 2016... post man ask for custom duty 765/- 30% of 5k...but my item was worth 2k, :(.. I think they hav'nt any idea with price.
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Answered by sudipta k roy | Aug. 25, 2016 07:35
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Hi Saikat, Actually I could not see any movement on 13th to 19th August 2016 so I wrote with request to Hyderabad post Office to find out the status. They asked Mumbai Foreign post to do needful at earliest as in bracket and this was from Asst.Director (Mktg&PG).
["Sir,Please find trail mail received from the complainant.You are requested to take immediate necessary action and give suitable reply directly to the complainant under intimation to this office."]. On 22nd Aug i could see "Awaiting presentation......." as you have mentioned. Today again I saw same but Destination shown is Delhi now. What could be the problem? Any help please. My No. shipment is: CJ516680698US . I am sorry to trouble you.
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Answered by sudipta k roy | Aug. 26, 2016 07:02
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It shows custom cleared. hope everything is fine.
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Answered by sudipta kumar roy | Sep. 04, 2016 02:36
1 0 Reply
Thank you so much. I had to go to the main Post and collect the item they charged me 30% Tax (which is not correct actually as it has to be 17%) for the Microsoft surface 2 pro -Refurbished. Anyway once again thanks for all your comments and support.
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Answered by Divya | Sep. 09, 2016 05:56
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Hello Saikat!

I purchased e-cig related goods from china. The seller shipped the parcel through Netherlands post.

My tracking number is RC304728733NL. As you can see it's not been updated since about 10 days. I called customer care and found out that the parcel is at Kolkata Foreign Post. But still, there is not update in the tracking. I'm not sure if the parcel has been lost or what. Should I go to the Foreign Post Office, or just wait?
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Answered by Hasan | Sep. 18, 2016 01:29
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Dear Saikat,
Thanks for your help regarding the issues. I am a stamp collector and exchange postage stamps with worldwide stamp exchange friend. Recently, Some letter with full of postage stamps for collection on the way to my address from Israel. I tracked through IPS by tracking number and it showing the message 'Retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner'. Do they open the packet and then send to me automatically? As far as I know that their is no duty fee on postage stamps of other countries. The tracking number is RR734952557IL.
Best Regards,
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Answered by Amit Yadav | Sep. 20, 2016 10:25
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Thank you very much this helps me a lot i was nervous as well.
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Answered by Sridhar | Sep. 26, 2016 06:51
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Hi Sai, Thanks for info.
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Answered by Jason | Sep. 27, 2016 02:45
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Do they open the packages at customs ?
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Answered by Shashvat | Oct. 15, 2016 04:17
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Hi Mr.Kundu,
I ordered something off of which was shipped on the 15th of September. It was shipped from the USA with tracking number CF122147385US. I read your post which adviced us to wait for about 2 weeks. However, as the USPS website shows, my letter has been awaiting Customs Clearance ever since the 27th of September.
Note- The item is an autographed photo and the USPS website says, " Features :
Up to $200 insurance included"
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
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Answered by Asaf | Oct. 16, 2016 00:29
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Dear Sir,

i am ali i have send cargo but now status is showing Retention i dont know why nad ia since 10 0ct please can you enplane me please.
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Answered by sahil | Nov. 09, 2016 17:24
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Thanks alot friend i was facing a similar problem😊
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Answered by Chinmay | Nov. 09, 2016 22:50
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The above is my tracking number & I reside in Mumbai...after seeing other tracking numbers ,m confused by seeing at my tracking details that again why it is going to => Receive item at sorting centre after Send item to domestic location ?
Why the next office is ? => MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE

Why it's going there again?

Pls guide me with all the steps & let me know its meaning
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Answered by Shalini | Nov. 26, 2016 15:31
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Hi Saikat,

I have a similar problem. I am expecting a parcel at Pune and on 24th Nov'2016 the status at india post website was
Location-DIMC NEW DELHI 110002. Event Type - Transfer from office of exchange (Inb). Next Office - MUMBAI FOREIGN POST OFFICE.
The status at 12 pm on 26th Nov'2016 was
Location-MUMBAI FOREIGN POST OFFICE. Event Type - Send item to domestic location (Inb). Next Office - CRC MUMBAI (NON TD).
And then at around 7 pm on the same day i.e. 26th Nov'2016, got changed to
Location-CRC MUMBAI. Event Type - Receive item at sorting centre (Inb). Next Office - DELHI INTERNATIONAL MAIL CENTRE.

I am not sure why it is returning back to Delhi on the same day?
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Answered by Shalinii | Nov. 26, 2016 15:37
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Hi Chinmay,
I am facing the same issue. Not sure why the parcel is going back to sorting center (Delhi) from domestic location (Mumbai); when the parcel has arrived to Mumbai from Delhi. And the final dest is Pune.
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Answered by Nani | Dec. 07, 2016 23:58
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Opps so sorry instead of thumpsup , hit wrong button, thanks and ur post really helps me.
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Answered by Rohit_D | Jan. 19, 2017 11:13
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i had ordered for a product from a seller from china.
The tracking says:
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, CED KOLKATA, Retention reason : Retained by customs for unspecified reason
for the last 2 days. Before that it showed:
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, CED KOLKATA, Retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner
What should I do? any chances of receiving the product?
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Answered by Mia | Jan. 19, 2017 21:15
0 4 Reply
Oh, I am sorry that the parcel is stuck at the Customs. I am afraid that you cannot receive it.
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Answered by Narayanan | Apr. 29, 2017 12:14
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Hello NISHANT. MY product is the same as yours. Lemax2 -181$(approx rs 11700) at the time of purchase on 11th of April 2017. My status shows that it is awaiting presentation to customs commissioner as of today. My last order - xiomi mipad2 for 11500 way back in February was delivered without any customs. Do mobile phones attract customs?? I'm from Mumbai
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Answered by rajvarma | May. 27, 2017 06:48
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I ordered Leagoo M8pro from aliexpress worth Rs.5300. After reaching Mumbai custom office package was there for 15 days, status was showing "Retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner" It was hard to wait more time and I was losing my patience and planning to visit custom office to inquiry. But fortunately at 16th day morning I checked tracking again and found that status has been changed to "Receive item at delivery office (Inb),Air,MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE" and package delivered on same day without any custom charge.
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Answered by UGos | Jun. 17, 2017 12:36
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I have same issue, did you get item after that tracking
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Answered by Uday nune | Jul. 06, 2017 07:16
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2017-06-30 16:25
India, CHENNAI (MADARS) AIR, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, CHENNAI (MADARS) AIR, Retention reason : Retained by customs for unspecified reason
2017-06-28 12:03
India, MUMBAI AIR, Transfer from office of exchange (Inb), Air, CHENNAI (MADARS) AIR
2017-06-28 10:08
India, MUMBAI AIR, Receive item at office of exchange (Inb), Air, MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE
2017-06-26 11:20
Netherlands (the), AMSTERDAM E INTERNATIONAL MAIL, Send item abroad (EDI-received), Air, MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE
2017-06-25 15:26
2017-06-30 16:25
India, CHENNAI (MADARS) AIR, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, CHENNAI (MADARS) AIR, Retention reason : Retained by customs for unspecified reason
2017-06-28 12:03
India, MUMBAI AIR, Transfer from office of exchange (Inb), Air, CHENNAI (MADARS) AIR
2017-06-28 10:08
India, MUMBAI AIR, Receive item at office of exchange (Inb), Air, MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE
2017-06-26 11:20
Netherlands (the), AMSTERDAM E INTERNATIONAL MAIL, Send item abroad (EDI-received), Air, MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE
2017-06-25 15:26
When i will get the parcel plz leave me feedback
5 0 Reply
Answered by Devajit | Jul. 31, 2017 22:33
0 0 Reply
Many Thanks Saikat - I am facing absolutely similar issues, and your post clarified a lot of doubts and cleared the picture for me. BTW would have the phone number of the Custom's Office where I can call and enquire. If so please Text it to me on 8017007075. Thansk Devajit Mitra
0 0 Reply
Answered by Jam | Aug. 24, 2017 01:32
0 0 Reply
Yes I am having similar problem ,, ordered from ali express and the item is still in kolkata and now it says the same as u have mentioned,, however I m not in kolkata so I still dunno how to reach them and does it mean I will have to pay the custom charge as well?
0 0 Reply
Answered by Gitesh | Aug. 31, 2017 06:12
0 0 Reply
RS780186889CN this is my tracking number. I don't understand meaning of status.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Jeff | Aug. 31, 2017 20:20
0 0 Reply
2017-08-29 16:36
India, MUMBAI FOREIGN POST OFFICE, Send item to domestic location (Inb), Air, CRC MUMBAI (TD)
It means that your parcel is being sent to your local post office from Mumbai Foreigh Post Office.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Rajeeb jena | Sep. 07, 2017 12:59
0 0 Reply
Hi mr Uday
I am Rajeeb from Pondicherry
My tablet which I ordered from banggood is also retained in chennai customs for unspecified reasons.
Did u get your parcel yet and how much duty did you pay
0 0 Reply
Answered by Kenlum Hemang | Sep. 27, 2017 06:06
0 0 Reply
Firstly your information is very helpful to me as well, thank you, I want to Whether they any chances of losing or misplacing our parcel, I order two items at the same time one is already out but one is still in awaiting presentation to custom commissioner, do they send out as per timing or do randomly send out ? Because order timing one is out and one is still there, please help
0 0 Reply
Answered by Sanky | Oct. 24, 2017 06:31
2 0 Reply
Bro can u tell me when I'll get this parcel RB316423606SG
2 0 Reply
Answered by Clara | Oct. 24, 2017 22:46
0 0 Reply
The latest information shows that your item has arrived its destination and awaited presentation to customs commissioner on Sept.11th. You are suggested to dial the local office of exchange and figure out the concrete retention reason.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Tauqeer | Nov. 06, 2017 12:58
0 0 Reply
Thx a lot
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Answered by Arka Naskar | Nov. 09, 2017 07:55
0 0 Reply
0 0 Reply
Answered by Abhirup | Nov. 14, 2017 03:22
0 0 Reply
Great info..Thanks dude!
0 0 Reply
Answered by Roshni ansari | Nov. 16, 2017 08:22
0 0 Reply
Hi.. My tracking no is RG638816086CN this... From 13th November they are showing the same result about retention etc... Please help me to find out that where is my parcel yet... My buyer protection will end after 14 days
0 0 Reply
Answered by Jenna | Nov. 16, 2017 23:45
0 0 Reply
The lastest information shows that your parcel waited presentation to customs commissioner on Nov.13, 2017. You are advised to contact the India Custom and consult the update logistics information.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Ayaskant Jena | Dec. 10, 2017 22:19
0 0 Reply
Hi Saikat

My parcel sent from Sydney shows awaiting presentation to customs. Is there a way you can help me with this.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Pradip | Dec. 27, 2017 21:08
0 0 Reply
This only happens in kolkata. When I was staying there in Kolkata, this was a huge problem, Now, I am here in Kerala. Customs is so friendly, and u will get the products whether through aliexpress or ur friend very soon.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Saleem | Jan. 12, 2018 12:12
0 0 Reply
Saikat Bhai what does it mean.
(India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Transfer from office of exchange (Inb), Air, DIMC NEW DELHI 110003)my tracking id is:- RB433550465SG
0 0 Reply
Answered by David | Jan. 14, 2018 19:51
0 0 Reply
Oh, it means that your package has arrived its destination country and during domestic transportation. Don't worry. Just wait patiently for a few more days.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Rajdeep sinha | Jan. 16, 2018 11:26
0 0 Reply
i am from india in kolkata, my tracking details are showing that awaiting presentation to customs commisioner what to do?
0 0 Reply
Answered by Hilary | Jan. 16, 2018 19:03
0 0 Reply
Hi, it means that your package has arrived its destination country and pending customs inspection.
0 0 Reply
Answered by D | Feb. 14, 2018 14:51
0 0 Reply
how much time does it take, if the parcel has only documents.
0 0 Reply
Answered by D | Feb. 15, 2018 14:14
0 0 Reply
I tried the number provided in this blog, but no luck.

Could you please help me with this.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Sifu | Mar. 12, 2018 23:18
0 0 Reply
Hi Saikat! thank you very much for your valuable info. faced the same prob here. this was very helpful.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Rudra Roy Chowdhury | May. 03, 2018 14:23
0 0 Reply
Thanks Saikat for the clear cut idea. It will helps alot.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Soma | May. 08, 2018 14:36
0 0 Reply
Hi Saikat,
Iv ordered few products from korea for personal use. It has reached kolkata but shows " retained by customs for unspecified reason" since 28th April. No updates after that. 3 other parcels now has the same update since 8th May..
Pleae suggest what to do..
Many thanx
0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | May. 08, 2018 20:27
0 0 Reply
Could you tell me tracking numbers of four parcels? Then I can help you look for the delivery information. Or you can give a call to the logistics center to consult the details. Sometimes they didn’t update the delivery information for the customers or you filled the wrong telephone number or address.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Soma | May. 09, 2018 02:26
0 0 Reply
Hi Saikat,

Thank u for ur prompt response. I guess India post site is down so unable to checn latest update. Pls check tracking of below 2 parcels n confirm pls.. RE039732911KR n RE040924953KR.. other 2 tracking i can share later once im able to checl..many thanx
0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | May. 09, 2018 20:01
0 0 Reply

Destination : India
2018-04-28 17:21
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Retention Reason : Retained by customs for unspecified reason
2018-04-24 14:05
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Retention Reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner
2018-04-17 11:34
India, DIMC NEW DELHI 110002, Transfer from office of exchange (Inb), Air, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO
2018-04-17 10:46
India, DIMC NEW DELHI 110002, Receive item at office of exchange (Inb), Air
2018-04-10 14:07
Korea (the Republic of), 10498, Receive item from customer (Otb), Air

Origin : Korea, South
2018-04-28 17:21
INCCUA, Ready for customs clearacne
2018-04-17 10:46
INDELA, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2018-04-11 22:29
INCHEON, Handed over to Transport companies, Flight number : CX439
2018-04-11 10:31
INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Ready for dispatch, Dispatch number : 70
2018-04-10 22:06
2018-04-10 20:57
Goyang Mail Center, Handed over to Transport companies
2018-04-10 19:46
Goyang Mail Center
2018-04-10 19:30
GY. DEOGYANG, Handed over to Transport companies
2018-04-10 14:07
GY. DEOGYANG, Posting/Collection, Posting office zip code : 10498, Transit or Destination country : INDIA
0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | May. 09, 2018 20:05
0 0 Reply

Destination : India
2018-05-08 17:03
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Retention Reason : Retained by customs for unspecified reason
2018-05-07 11:46
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Retention Reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner
2018-05-01 12:01
India, DIMC NEW DELHI 110002, Transfer from office of exchange (Inb), Air, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO
2018-05-01 10:57
India, DIMC NEW DELHI 110002, Receive item at office of exchange (Inb), Air
2018-04-26 18:25
Korea (the Republic of), 10550, Receive item from customer (Otb), Air

Origin : Korea, South
2018-05-08 17:03
INCCUA, Ready for customs clearacne
2018-05-01 10:57
INDELA, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2018-04-27 21:00
INCHEON, Handed over to Transport companies, Flight number : CX439
2018-04-27 10:09
INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Ready for dispatch, Dispatch number : 82
2018-04-26 21:56
2018-04-26 20:51
Goyang Mail Center, Handed over to Transport companies
2018-04-26 20:01
Goyang Mail Center
2018-04-26 19:12
GY.SAMSONG, Handed over to Transport companies
2018-04-26 18:25
GY.SAMSONG, Posting/Collection, Posting office zip code : 10550, Transit or Destination country : INDIA
0 0 Reply
Answered by Soma | May. 09, 2018 23:17
0 0 Reply
Thank u fr ur response. Even i could see the same thing on India post tracking that it has been retained by customs for unspecified reason. One is held fron 28th April while the other is held from 8th May. I would like to know what should i do n whom to contact regarding this. Any address or contact number where i can speak or meet n find out. Also what does this mean.. retained fr unspecified reason?? I had other parcels been delivered to me where custom charges wer applicable which i usually hand over to the person delivering the parcel to me from India Post.. y has this been retained n nt being released.. any help pls..
0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | May. 10, 2018 20:01
0 0 Reply
Now, first what you have to do is to contact your local post office or customs to find out what supplies are banned to be delivered or imported, and then to see if your package contains the above things. Next, know more about details by asking selling shops’ help with your parcel tracking number. The contact number of India Post in Kolkata is (+91 33) 2511 96 76 / 2511 88 48, or you can go to your local post office.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Shivam | May. 11, 2018 23:39
0 0 Reply
I have recently(2nd May 2018) sent some documents in Toronto, Canada from India(Hyderabad) and on 8th may I saw the same message "Retention Reason: Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner". The tracking number is EN603270241IN. There is no telephone number I could find which India post picks up. Could you please share the correct numbers which I can use
0 0 Reply
Answered by Sarah | May. 13, 2018 21:05
0 0 Reply
Yes, the phone number is 1924 for enquiries from 8:00 - 20:00 (except Sundays and Gazetted holidays).
0 0 Reply
Answered by SanPat | Jun. 09, 2018 23:27
2 0 Reply
RY105797743CN is my tracking number. Any guess how many days and what is the current process?
2 0 Reply
Answered by Alexandra | Jun. 10, 2018 21:20
0 0 Reply
2018-06-09 12:42India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Send item to domestic location (Inb), Air, CRC (Non-TD) Kolkata RMS

Your parcel is on the way and you may receive it in 4 – 7days.
0 0 Reply
Answered by SanPat | Jun. 11, 2018 19:59
0 0 Reply
Thanks for prompt response
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Answered by Saikat | Jun. 26, 2018 20:20
0 0 Reply
I guess that your parcel has been detained by Hong Kong Post for some reason. I’m not sure that, but I think you should ask the logistics company for help or contact Hong Kong Post directly.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | Jun. 27, 2018 20:24
0 0 Reply
I think it means that your parcel has been in India and waiting for the check of the Customs. You may receive it soon and do not need to pay duty unless your parcel violated the regulations. Just be more patient.
0 0 Reply
Answered by DURBADAL | Jul. 02, 2018 06:47
0 0 Reply
Hi Saikat my tracking ID RY912412391SG and its contains of a quadcopter weight not more than 80gm and its come under Nano drone which is legal in India as per DGCA norm 2017. I just tracked it today and got the information from cept ips web tracking and showing this message "Retention reason : Prohibited articles". So please tell me why it's showing and what will be my next step for getting this product.

0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | Jul. 02, 2018 19:47
0 0 Reply
2018-07-02 15:40
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Retention Reason : Prohibited articles

This is the latest information I found online about your parcel. Now it is regarded as the prohibited articles and has been detained by India Customs. You are advised to make contact with the Customs and find out the solution.
0 0 Reply
Answered by DURBADAL | Jul. 03, 2018 03:41
0 0 Reply
Hi Saikat

Importing drone is illegal in India? Because some other review telling thats not true.

One thing please tell that LCAO exact location

0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | Jul. 03, 2018 20:22
0 0 Reply
Yes, it is not allowed to import the insects to avoid invasion of alien species.

Kolkata Foreign Post Office Customer Care for International Parcels
Address:7A, Church Lane, Nicco House,3rd Floor, Kolkata-700001
Tel: (9133)22481504, E-Mail:

I found the location online. I’m not sure about this but you can have a try. Hope to be helpful.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Sanjay | Jul. 11, 2018 03:41
0 0 Reply
Generally how much time does it take for Customs Clearance as its almost 10 days for my package stuck with them? Package id is RF549636051SG. Any help on this?
0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | Jul. 11, 2018 18:14
0 0 Reply
It probably means that there is something wrong with your parcel and the Customs didn’t pass it. You have to wait patiently for about one month at most or just ten days.
0 0 Reply
Answered by DURBA | Jul. 12, 2018 17:11
0 0 Reply
Hi saikat

My parcel tracking showing CRC (TD) Kolkata RMS what does it means. I need to pay any duty or tax. How long take time to get the parcel. One thing I want to tell you that no call got from custom office regarding duty paying.

Please help me out.

0 0 Reply
Answered by Saikat | Jul. 12, 2018 18:46
0 0 Reply
Could you tell me your tracking number? Meanwhile, just be patient to wait for your parcel. sometimes, you have to wait for one month.
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Answered by Tesillin momin | Jul. 23, 2018 22:36
0 0 Reply
Please will you help me too. I also facing same problm my item also retained for unspecified reason. What should i do
0 0 Reply
Answered by Tesillin momin | Jul. 23, 2018 22:41
0 0 Reply
Same problem i need your help
0 0 Reply
Answered by Ananda | Sep. 27, 2018 11:03
0 0 Reply
Hi Saikat
It’s an amazing work that you are doing. God bless you always.
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Answered by Shatanik Bose | Nov. 12, 2018 09:35
0 0 Reply
Hello Saikat Da ! Great work you've done here. I have just got the tracking status as "awaiting presentation to customs commissioner". How long should I wait before calling or visiting the FPO ?
Thanks in advance
0 0 Reply
Answered by Nina | Nov. 12, 2018 17:36
0 0 Reply
Maybe you need to wait for about a month. After that if you still don't receive it, you can call the FPO.
0 0 Reply
Answered by Mr.MEP6677 | Jan. 21, 2015 10:34
1 73 Reply
Why are you posting something like this on this website its for customers that have issues with tracking
1 73 Reply
Answered by Mr.MEP6677 | Jan. 22, 2015 11:15
1 23 Reply
1 23 Reply
Answered by S Chatterjee | Jul. 30, 2015 14:48
3 1 Reply
By the sound of your name it seems like you went to Kolkata's customs house. Can you share a bit more detail of how to reach there and where exactly is this building ? I might have to visit there as I have a cellphone case and a touch screen digitizer enroute and I dont want any unnecessary delays >.< ... Its best to get in touch with them well ahead or at least know how to reach them..
3 1 Reply
Answered by S Chatterjee | Jul. 30, 2015 14:50
1 1 Reply
because this is an issue with tracking. Our customs are notoriously lazy or backlogged and items can get stuck in this checking process for weeks if not months.
1 1 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Jul. 31, 2015 01:41
26 1 Reply
Hello Mr. Chatterjee!
Greetings and thanks for your question.

Yes, I stay in Kolkata and frequently purchase from AliExp.

Now, Rgd. your case ~
If the parcel has already arrived in Kolkata, this week, it may show "Retention because of presentation to Customs Commissioner" for a couple of days. Delay may be caused due to excessive rainfall.

The Customs Dept. itself in the Foreign Post Office, beside Strand Road, just behind the Kolkata High Court. Their Tel. No. is -2248 0375.

ACTUALLY, WE HAVE A VERY 'WRONG IDEA' ABOUT CUSTOMS & INDIAPOST!! These gentlemen also actually work hard and understand the importance of each parcel. I have seen this multiple times personally, hence titling them as 'Loose workers' may be wrong here.

Thirdly, if you have provided all the details correctly, then all you have to have is a little patience! IndiaPost deals with Lakhs of National & International Posts & Parcels everyday and these are living people, not robots, my friend. This is ONE HELL of a job that they do. Not your or my piece of cake! :)
26 1 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Jul. 31, 2015 01:41
20 2 Reply
Now, even if you go to their office, they will not handover the parcel to you, because it is in a Electronic Tracking Process. The parcel will ONLY be handed to you through your local Post Office, no matter how hard you request! That's the Protocol of Post.

Parcels may be stuck for weeks because it may contain a product that is NOT permissible in the Postal Laws. Eg. any leather products, electronic toys, batteries, mobiles, seeds, etc. So, it is also very important to know the risks of what you are importing from overseas.

Even if it is stuck with the Customs, all you need to do is follow a regular tracking and then speak to the Officer very gently and nicely. Remember, if you want to get your Parcel, you CANNOT mess with them. Your parcel will be in their hands and it is wiser to follow the rules. They may witheld your parcel form few days, but eventually release them. So, DONOT get Impatient, ever. Generally big parcels fall into their eyes. So, never argue with them or you may end up in paying heavy duty charges. for NO REASON ;)

If you need any more help, please do contact.

20 2 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Jul. 31, 2015 01:43
12 0 Reply
Even if it is stuck with the Customs, all you need to do is follow a regular tracking (17track) and then speak to the Officer very gently and nicely. Remember, if you want to get your Parcel, you CANNOT mess with them. Your parcel will be in their hands and it is wiser to follow the rules. They may witheld your parcel form few days, but eventually release them. So, DONOT get Impatient, ever. Generally big parcels fall into their eyes. So, never argue with them or you may end up in paying heavy duty charges. for NO REASON ;)

If you need any more help, please do contact.

12 0 Reply
Answered by Suvrojit Mondal | Oct. 06, 2015 08:49
2 0 Reply
I've sent a registered letter which contains some documents and small gift to France on 3rd October. Today it's showing, it's Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner. Should I contact them on phone or do I need to contact them and tell them about contents?

2 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Apr. 23, 2016 08:56
12 0 Reply
Hello Joy!
Thanks for writing in. :)

Need to worry Joy! Just note the few points given below -

a. The contents of the parcel need to be legally allowed in India.
b. You may go to the FPO (Foreign Post Office) at Dalhousie and inquire. But they can only provide you with the updated information about your parcel.
c. You will not be able to receive your parcel from the FPO at any cost.
d. NEVER argue with the official at the FPO!! They are quite nice people, as I have mentioned earlier, and have a huge amount of job to perform. You parcel is not ONLY the one that they have to resolve.
e. Request for the approx. date of delivery from there, they will be happy to help you.

After the shipment is released from the FPO, it will come to your local Post Office within a day or two. Then it will be delivered to your residence/address provided in the parcel.

REMEMBER, if you have provided all the information CORRECTLY, you need not panic. It may happen that they hold the parcel for 5 - 6 days or even more. But it will gradually be released to you. If you ask them regularly / keep calling, then things will only get worse.

Have some patience and await. You will surely be rewarded. Keep track in Indiapost site, also.


After any Parcel-Related inquiries, you may please post here. Your queries shall be answered soon.
Thanks, Saikat.
12 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Apr. 28, 2016 01:38
10 0 Reply
You can always go to the FPO at Dalhousie in Kolkata, as I mentioned. Speak to them, they will help you out, need not worry, but I will suggest if you can see for another week.

BTW, if you share your ChinaPost Tracking No., I might help you on that, more easily.

10 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Apr. 28, 2016 08:51
11 0 Reply

Unless you have a hurry, I will advise you to be 'calm' and 'await' a call. The CED will call you up for the clearance amount. Then you can decide.

If you show to much interest, then the situation might go berserk.... :)

BTW, good luck for your parcel! Hope you can retrieve it soon from them...
11 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Apr. 30, 2016 06:54
9 0 Reply
Good. So, at least you are assured now. :)
All the best, friend.... you shall sure retrieve it. Keep me updated on your obtaining your parcel.

Good luck, once again!
9 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | May. 02, 2016 03:26
11 1 Reply

Return item to Domestic Location means thyat the parcel has been sent to yuor local Post Office, from where the Postman/woman will deliver to your home. If any tax, then they shall inform you at that time. But I guess it will be tax-free.... much to what you said earlier.

So just wait for another 2-3 days and then the item will be delivered to you.

Also keep a track on the Indiapost website. Thnx & Good luck!
11 1 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | May. 02, 2016 07:51
16 0 Reply
CRC - Computerized Registration Sorting Centre.
RMS - Railway Mail Service, which constitute Rail, Road, Sea and Air.

Do keep us updated :)
16 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | May. 08, 2016 11:16
9 0 Reply
Thats correct!
9 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | May. 13, 2016 14:49
11 0 Reply

The current status as seen y me -

2016-05-13 20:05 India, KOLKATA GPO, Receive item at delivery office (Inb), Air, MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE

Wait for few more days.... it will be released. You cannot get your parcel from the FPO, at any cost, dear friend! It will be delivered to your local PO. You may have to pay the duty, if chargeable.

11 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Jun. 01, 2016 09:41
8 0 Reply
This seems to be an UNREGISTERED Parcel that you've got !

Such 'Unregistered' Parcels are very difficult to track, as they often get lost / stolen while in transit.

But you may please wait few more weeks (maybe 4 - 6 weeks more) and if not yet received, then please open a complaint with your seller in Ali.

8 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Jun. 06, 2016 02:06
7 0 Reply
I can predict Customs movements in India, not Custom taxes, Madam.

You can google them, if you wish. Am sure that will help you.

7 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Jun. 12, 2016 02:06
8 0 Reply
Dear all,
Please note that the parcels will be eventually released from the FPO,as soon they are scanned and checked. I will suggest to wait patiently, as if there are any issues, you will be contacted from the Post directly.

It is advisable not to call or harass them, as they donot handle ONLY your post.... they have a gigantic work to complete, and it is too complex. So, please respect their work flow and give it some time.

All of you can see from the discussion above that the people here have received their respective parcels, sooner or later. Hence impatience wont work here.

All the best.

8 0 Reply
Answered by KETS66 | Jun. 13, 2016 08:39
1 0 Reply
Mr.Saikat Kundu,
I am from Mumbai and passing thru the same situation explained in your blog.
It answered all my questions. Great post friend.
And hats off to Indian FPO staff too.
1 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Jun. 28, 2016 02:17
11 0 Reply
Hi there!
It is in Mumbai Customs.... dont worry, the parcel shall be released soon. They will hold it for the next 3-4 days and eventually released, if everything ok.

Otherwise you need to pay some tax, thats all.

Please follow the earlier posts in this page and it will be clear.
Good day and cheers!
11 0 Reply
Answered by NISHANT1990 | Jul. 07, 2016 23:05
0 0 Reply
Hello sir, thanks for your post (it's a great help for those who have ordered stuff from foreign countries for the first time and who do not understand technical jargon)

I have read all the discussion on this post but couldn't comprehend some issues such as :

1) If my status is same as yours i.e "Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner", then approximately for how many days am I suppose to wait it out ?
And if they are holding it for tax purposes then how will I come to know that they want me to visit the office and pay the tax ( I.e will I have visit Mumbai foreign postal office in person or the postman will procure the tax at the time of delivery ) ?

2) Is it important to notify my local postal office about the parcel in advance ( how many days ahead do I have to notify them ) ?
Do I have to ask for the receipt of tax ? ( sorry for being too particular ).

My tracking id : RB071599993SG .
I have ordered a cellphone for $287 .
Thank you.
0 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Jul. 08, 2016 08:55
13 0 Reply
Hello Nishant,
Thnx for writing.

Your parcel's current status -
2016-07-07 16:36 India, MUMBAI FOREIGN POST OFFICE, Record item customs information (Inb), Air, MUMBAI FOREIGN POST OFFICE, Retention reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner

Need not worry about that. If at all required, then you may have to pay some duties. And no need to inform local PO. They will deliver to you at your address mentioned. Good luck!
13 0 Reply
Answered by ADAK1730 | Jul. 08, 2016 09:10
2 0 Reply
eye open articl boss very good information
2 0 Reply
Answered by NISHANT1990 | Jul. 08, 2016 23:17
1 0 Reply
Will keep all of you informed about the process, so that it may help other people too.
1 0 Reply
Answered by NISHANT1990 | Jul. 15, 2016 02:35
0 0 Reply
I haven't got my product yet. You can check it's status using my tracking id which I have provided above . It's still "awaiting presentation to customs officer" from 07/07/2016. I will wait till 7th August and if the tracking status doesn't change, then will visit the Mumbai foreign post office in person.
What's your tracking id ?
0 0 Reply
Answered by NISHANT1990 | Jul. 20, 2016 09:33
0 0 Reply
Hi, There has been sold movement on my parcel. It says ...........
7/20/2016 11:06:14 AM India MUMBAI FOREIGN POST OFFICE Send item to domestic location (Inb) Air CRC MUMBAI (TD) .......
But I didn't get what is "CRC MUMBAI (TD)" .......
0 0 Reply
Answered by NISHANT1990 | Jul. 21, 2016 00:23
1 0 Reply
OMG , 17k for 4500. I am scared for my phone now.I have bought Le Max 2 for 288 $ from Aliexpress... I hope they don't charge me more than 10k ... If they do,i will just return it ... Sir please keep us updated about your product....
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Answered by NISHANT1990 | Jul. 21, 2016 20:40
0 0 Reply
Guys I got the product yesterday noon. The total cost on product was written to be 50$ and as a gift (though I didn't ask seller to do any of it, as I didn't know anything about customs) . It was in good condition. Post master took Rs.5009 from me ( Rs.4979 customs + Rs.30 by post master) . I paid it . Now here's how I made a fool out of myself, I bought the mobile (Le Max 2) from Aliexpress for Rs.19300. After 20 days it got launched in India for 23k with cdla headphones free, and I ended up paying Rs.24300. Also within that period I lost my sleep over thinking about how much customs I will be charged, will the product be in good condition, will I have visit them in person, I would check the status everyday day twice.... I even practised to act dumb in front of mirror so that if I had to visit the custom officer in person I would make him feel sorry for me and on my condition of being dumb and charge me less lol. Anyways this was my first and last international buy, a good experience. Thanks saiket, thanks shilpa I hope you get your product without any problem.
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Answered by NISHANT1990 | Jul. 21, 2016 20:45
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Guys if you want to buy any electronic stuff buy it from "eBay easy global buy" ... Google it, they pay customs themselves and deliver the product within 10 days ... Recently I bought BAMBOO FINELINE 2 styles for iPad air 2, only for Rs.3100 ... totally new in working condition. In India on Amazon it is for Rs.7450. Try it guys. (drawback is they sell American products only, not Chinese or any other country's).
Thanks tc
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Answered by saikatkundu | Jul. 24, 2016 06:45
8 0 Reply
It reads -
2016-07-07 19:36 India, MUMBAI GPO, Receive item at delivery office (Inb), Air, MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE

2016-07-07 13:11 India, GRANT ROAD PO, Unsuccessful item delivery attempt (Inb), Air, MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE

Please go and approach Grant Rpad PO ASAP. Speak to the PostMaster and try to sort the issue there.

8 0 Reply
Answered by saikatkundu | Aug. 10, 2016 04:38
10 0 Reply
Please be informed that the parcel is with the customs. They can release it without any hassle, if you have the patience not to call.

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Answered by saikatkundu | Aug. 23, 2016 12:22
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CRC - Computerized Registration Sorting Centre.
RMS - Railway Mail Service, which constitute Rail, Road, Sea and Air.

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Answered by saikatkundu | Aug. 27, 2016 00:45
12 0 Reply
It is showing -
2016-08-26 15:10 India, MUMBAI FOREIGN POST OFFICE, Send item to domestic location (Inb), Air, CRP CAMP SO

Means its on way to your home, for delivery from your local PO.

Good luck!
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Answered by saikatkundu | Sep. 27, 2016 03:20
7 0 Reply
Not really until you compel them to... ;) :D
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Answered by VINESHPILLAI | Mar. 21, 2017 17:48
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RB181010621SG this my parcel the retention reason is shown as unspecific please help me to deal with the issue sir. I need the parcel urgently
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Answered by INDRAJSR02 | Jun. 26, 2018 00:05
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Dear Saikat
First sorry to open this chain.
Yesterday the Tracking was saying :
Jun 25, 2018
12:54 pm Record item customs information (Inb)India Post International

Then again it said:
Jun 25, 2018
01:24 pm Held by customsHong Kong Post
What does it mean? Shall I have to spend more money on this??

Please help me.

Indrajit, Jamshedpur
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Answered by INDRAJSR02 | Jun. 26, 2018 23:13
0 0 Reply
Dear Saikat
Thanks for your reply. Now the message is as below:

Date: 25/06/2018
Time: 12:54:27
Country: India
Event : Record item customs information (Inb)
Mail Category:Air
Retention Reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner

What does it mean?? Will they call me for explanation or ask for some additional duty??

Please help.
Indrajit Roy
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Answered by INDRAJSR02 | Jun. 28, 2018 07:39
0 0 Reply
Thanks boss
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Answered by Shatanik Bose | Nov. 15, 2018 07:10
0 0 Reply
Received it today. I have another parcel coming from USA. But its status hasn't changed since 29th October. What should I do ?
It currently shows, "Sent item abroad (EDI-received"
Tracking id : CJ554645025US
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Answered by Gary | Nov. 15, 2018 17:37
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Hi, it means it's still in transit and maybe you can wait for another days.
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Answered by ashish bansal | Dec. 04, 2018 22:18
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Thank you :)
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Answered by ANURUDHK | Jan. 12, 2019 20:38
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Good morning Saikat, Can you please tell me, what should i do after my product got stucked for Awaiting presentation to custom commissioner. I order a Windows Tablet from Banggood worth INR 7267/- +INR 661 extra for EMS delivery. Here is my tracking number EH003286568SG. It is mentioned on Banggood website that my product will be delivered to me within 7-15 days. I order my product on 30th December 2018. And now it is in Custom office Kolkata for last 3 days. So for how long i have to wait? And will they charge heavy custom duties on my product? Your help will be greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance 🙂
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Answered by Nancy | Jan. 13, 2019 17:38
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Hi, the time is uncertain and maybe one week is necessary. However, about the duties, they are different in different countries, you are suggested to contact the customs to know more about it.
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Answered by ANURUDHK | Jan. 13, 2019 21:02
0 0 Reply
Thank you so much
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Answered by Maria | Jan. 14, 2019 01:34
0 0 Reply
I sent a letter to the US. While tracking it that s what I found. UNITED STATES-ISC NEW YORK NY (USPS)
08/01/2019 10:22
Record item customs information (Inb) Retention Reason: Prohibited articles

Any help?
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Answered by Jenny | Jan. 14, 2019 17:03
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Well,that means your letter is prohibited to send to the US and it may be confiscated by the customs. Maybe you can contact the custom for more specific information.
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Answered by saikatkundu | Jan. 14, 2019 21:05
0 0 Reply
Dear users,
This section was started by me on Jan 20, 2015, when I experienced a similar issue in one of my off shore parcels.

All of you are free to discuss your postal issues and resolve them, with correct and accurate information from users.

I hope this section has helped many, in postal - related situations that they might have faced.

Please enjoy your read and stay!
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Answered by Simmi | Apr. 02, 2019 13:25
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Hey! I had ordered a Concert DVD from South Korea. And the tracking number is EG500912329KR. It's stuck at Mumbai Customs and is showing - Record item customs information. Will they charge customs duty??
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Answered by Alice | Apr. 02, 2019 18:23
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Maybe they will. It is better for you to contact the customs to learn more information.
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Answered by Simmi | Apr. 04, 2019 12:40
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My package was in Mumbai customs and it was showing sent item to domestic location (which is in Mumbai only) but instead they sent it to hyderabad.???
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Answered by Tina | Apr. 07, 2019 18:12
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You are suggested to contact India Post to verify if they have made a wrong address.
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Answered by tarak | Apr. 22, 2019 05:33
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yes buddy, you are absolutely right.
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Answered by Getem Gamno | Apr. 29, 2019 08:31
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" Destination : India
2019-04-26 17:22
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Retention Reason : Retained by customs for unspecified reason

2019-04-26 13:23
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Retention Reason : Articles importation subject to restrictions import- license" These is last update on tracking Id, kindly share share your idea regarding this shipment which is puechased from Aliexpress, Thanks.
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Answered by sraboni samanta | May. 10, 2019 19:48
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hello. i am Sraboni samanta from Kolkata . my very close friend sent me letter with some products which i paid for but she send it as a gift which is also registered mail. today morning i track and it's showing

In Transit


Destination : India
2019-05-10 16:53
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Record item customs information (Inb), Retention Reason : Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner

2019-05-10 11:23

2019-05-09 12:47
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Transfer from office of exchange (Inb)

2019-05-09 09:35
India, KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO, Receive item at office of exchange (Inb)

2019-05-09 04:05
so after reading others i fear that if i face the same problem? still i will wait as you said. next week if notice some movement then okey otherwise i will call them. please provide me the number and where should i go to inquires. please help me.
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Answered by Leah | May. 12, 2019 22:40
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According to this situation, you need to contact the India custom and figure out the problem.
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Answered by sraboni samanta | May. 14, 2019 00:30
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i have called them. they want me to sent email with invoice and bank details. as I don't have invoice. how can i give them. she is my friend and she make something which i bought for my personal use . 😭 please someone help me. should i wait or should i sent my bank details. please someone help. also they said they didn't receive my parcel yet.
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Answered by Naveen Chettri | May. 21, 2019 03:56
0 0 Reply
Thanks this was really helpful. I was so stressed.
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Answered by Khargeswar | May. 27, 2019 10:15
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This was very helpful for me. Yes he has faced the problem of customs awaiting and he solved it and shared the things. This kind of information helps a lot.Thank you. He is great.
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Answered by Atanu | Jun. 10, 2019 01:54
0 0 Reply
Thanks for your kind information. It will help many people to relax from their anxiety about their international mails/percel.
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Answered by Shamim921 | Jun. 24, 2019 12:16
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Answered by Kim | Jul. 26, 2019 08:32
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Hi saikat
I will be glad to know is there a problem to buy wig hair n import to india. BECAUSE my parcel is on custom hold for the last 5 days i orderd 4 different wig from the same seller worth 7000 rupee for my children who have some function in school and its nw on custom i was wondering is there could be any problem?
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Answered by Daniel | Jul. 30, 2019 19:39
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Well, generally speaking, there won't have any problem. If your package is till on custom, you need to contact the staff as soon as possible and find the problem.
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Answered by Sasmal | Aug. 02, 2019 06:56
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RB785938090SG this is a guitar pedal and price paid rs 6400. Now it held by custom. Is it chargeble for custom clearance?
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Answered by Sophia | Aug. 04, 2019 20:23
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Well, it is hard to see. In order to be sure, you are suggested to contact the custom as soon as possible and figure out the problem.
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Answered by Navo | Aug. 16, 2019 10:39
0 0 Reply
Thanks mate, so good of you to post this. More often people forget to share the solution to the problem once they have cleared it.

Your post saved many of us the time required in enquiring ourselves
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Answered by Soumya | Aug. 19, 2019 00:47
0 0 Reply
Thanks brother you r such a nice person.and your support will help many people who are facing this problem.god bless you. Brother
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Answered by S. Bose | Sep. 25, 2019 04:56
0 0 Reply
Very informative answer! Clears a lot of doubt about the tracking issues. RLO stands for returned letter office (or morbidly for Dead Letter Office), so one is left wondering why would a letter/parcel with clear addressee and sender details would end up at the RLO! Thanks...
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Answered by Kaushik Chatterjee | Sep. 27, 2019 11:18
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Hi Saikat

You have done a tremendous job by assisting so many people over the year. A big thumbs up.
I have a consignment stuck at Kolkata customs (tracking no.RT170557558SG). The latest reason is AWAITING PRESENTATION TO BORDER AGENCY/S. Unable to understand the issue. Could you please help me understand it?
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Answered by Sophia | Sep. 29, 2019 18:07
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It means that your package is in the check of India Custom. Don't worry. You can recheck the logistic information a few days later.
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Answered by PALLAB1981 | Sep. 30, 2019 05:26
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Dear Saikat,

First of all many thanks to you for such an informative thread that gives lots of insights on the Customs clearing process for the international parcels. I know i am replying to an older thread, however anticipating if any members from this thread/ you may be able to shed some lights on my parcel.
I sent a cuckoo clock from Germany to my kolkata address (addressed to my father) & the seller marked this as a gift item (worth of 38 Eur). Currently it's stuck at Kolkata Customs at FPO with the following status:
30/09/2019 15:18:18 India KOLKATA FOREIGN EMS Record item customs information (Inb) S.A.L. Retention Reason : Other

My parcel tracking: CL647788905DE.
My questions is, from your past experience, do you think they might just release the parcel as is without any intervention/followups from my parent side, as i am not in india right now & my father is quite aged. Do they ideally calculate estimate a tentative price & put some customs levy on top of that price & releases the package for the delivery or do you think we should followup with them with the copy of the bill? the problem is, the seller quoted way below of actual price (38 Eur vs 200 Eur). Also does anyone might have any idea on the rate of duty (is it 20% or 30%)? If anyone may please suggest something would be a kind help.
Best Regards,
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Answered by Siddharaj | Dec. 01, 2019 20:15
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Almost 80 percent of parcels sent by China post are stolen here
The tracking number ends here
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Answered by saikatkundu | Dec. 25, 2019 23:35
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Hello Friends.
All are welcome to share their experiences and queries here. I shall try to answer all.

Merry Christmas and a very happy 2020 to all!

Cheers ...Saikat
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Answered by Avijit | Jan. 24, 2020 20:42
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Hi Saikat,
My Aliexpress parcel tracking showing "import clearance failure" from global tracking, "accepted by last mile carrier" from Aliexpress tracking, "at kolkata foreign lcao" from 17 tracking... 3 different statement... Can you please tell me whats going on...
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Answered by Mary | Jan. 31, 2020 15:35
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Would you mind providing your tracking number? Then I can find the latest logistic information for you.
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Answered by SBM | Feb. 28, 2020 04:03
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Hi All ,

I am importing aquarium filter parts (small plastic pipe) from Netherlands through PostNL
ID > RU700618971NL
Its now in KOLKATA AIR FOREIGN RLO BUILDING in Custom Hold with status showing CN 22/23 MISSING/ INAPPROPRIATE.
Will I get it ever ? Its not very expensive ..approx 4500/-
Please share your thoughts.

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Answered by Isabel | Feb. 28, 2020 19:02
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As I know, you can get it. According to the situation, you should contact the local custom as soon as possible and solve the problem.
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Answered by SSingha | Mar. 08, 2020 09:09
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Did u get your package because mine also showing same remark ?
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Answered by SBM | Mar. 08, 2020 20:56
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Status pages changed after two days in custom hold with CN22/23 missing status.
Then they released it and showing received by Kolkata GPO
Then next 3 days its showing out for delivery at 8:30am and not delivered at 6:30pm ...every day!!!
Status ....Addressee cannot be located.
Next day its show out for delivery at 8:30am and Door Locked at 6:30pm!!!
Every day I was in home and the Address clearly mentioned on the package !!! Dont know why this kind of funny status are coming on there page.During this time no one ever come to deliver.
Now on the fifth day got a call from local PO said that Custom released my package with 2242/- tax imposed on it.From my local Post-Office I have collected my parcel after paying this amount.
It was through PostNL , and strangely CN23 already attached on it , still the status page is showing CN22/23 missing !!!And also my address is clearly mentioned.
Attached CN23 shows declare value about 66.5EUR
So I think India Post status page is not very reliable way to check about your parcel , just keep patience , it will come to you with may be some import tax imposed.
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Answered by Prashant | Sep. 15, 2020 10:53
0 0 Reply
Hi Sir,

I have seen that you've provided amazing answers to people like me who are new to receiving goods from abroad through Indiapost/USPS. I was hoping if you could help me with my concern too.

Could you please try to explain what 'AWAITING PRESENTATION TO BORDER AGENCYS' means? Parcel has been stuck in Kolkata since Sept 10, 2020. My mother sent us some electronics for my wife and I and some toys and clothes for our son.

Should I contact my local post office for more details.

Please stay Safe
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Answered by saikatkundu | Apr. 17, 2021 06:56
0 0 Reply
I hope you guys are getting help from my post.

Stay safe. Stay delivered.
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