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Asked by jamela from Philippines | Jan. 18, 2015 08:59
About:Senado Square

Walking Street Direction in Macau from best western sunsun- senado-st.paul at night

hi can you tell me direction going to senado st . paul ruins from best western sunsun hotel? is it safe to walk at around 7 pm

Answers (1)
Answered by Linda from Russia | Jan. 19, 2015 00:10
Hey, to the Square, Depart Avenida Doctor Mário Soares toward Rua do Dr Pedro José Lobo. Turn right to onto Rua do Padre Luís Froís Sj. After walking for around 250ft, turn right to Rua Central, and then immediately turn left onto Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro for 480ft and you can find the Senado Square.

Further for the ruins, depart Largo do Senado toward Travessa da Misericórdia and turn left to Rua da Palha. Walk arounf 470ft and turn right to Rua do Santo Paulo. Keep right to Rua da Ressurreição, then Largo da Companhia de Jesus. Turn left to stay on Largo da Companhia de Jesus and you can see the ruins.

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