Should my son give up his studies for work?
My son born 22.11.96 is nearly finished with his 3 a levels but he is struggling with his studies and finds ir hard to make friends. I want the best for him but I'm hid mum born 29.11.70 and have recently found full time work low paid long hours and don't see him much after work as he works evenings in s pub. He wants to be a football coach fusbal? In Gibraltar! I work he's wasting an opportunity to go onto university. I myself am at a crossroads as wish to progress in my career since now I don't have any children living with me but him. Should I let him go and give up his studies to train as a football coach when he doesn't even play football very well? Not that I've told him, of course! Just that in don't want him to have his dream shattered when they tell him he's no good. Yet I know it may be the making of him travelling and hoping he may find he's good at bat work or working with children or?