Asked by Kelli from USA | Dec. 15, 2014 19:38
About:Who built the Great Wall of China?

How long did it take to build the great wall of china in Chinese history?

Answers (3)
Answered by Kelly from Indonesia | Dec. 15, 2014 20:42
Kelli, the wall was firstly built during the Spring and autumn Period (770-476 B.C.) and the Warring States Period (475-221B.C.). After Emperor Qinshihuang unified China, he ordered troops civilians to extend and strengthen the wall. In ater dynasties, the wall was restored and extended too. So it's hard to tell how long exactly it took to build the wall.
Answered by Victoria Kovalyova | Dec. 17, 2014 13:51
Loopholes in large parts of the wall are not directed to the north(Mongolia), but the south (China) ! And it is clearly seen not only in the most ancient , not reconstructed section of the wall , but even in the recent photographs and works of Chinese figure.
"Chinese " walls are similar to European and Russian medieval walls , the main course of action which - protection against firearms . Similar build structures started no earlier than the 15th century, when guns and other weapons were used on battlefields . . Before 15th century guns wasn’t existed...Chinese Wall history is fake
Answered by Enni from Switzerland | Jan. 04, 2015 07:36
your right, i agree with you
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