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Asked by cheri from usa | Dec. 04, 2014 09:05
About:Year of the Snake

Why is Tiger and Snake bad match?

I know a Snake gentlemen (3/77) for 2 years. He finalized a divorce 11/29/14. I'm Tiger (3/62). Is this a bad idea to begin relationship? Just stay friends ?

Answers (1)
Answered by Mara from U.S.A | Dec. 04, 2014 15:42
I feel that it could work, but be cautious because snakes (like me) can be VERY headstrong and stubborn. It might need some time, even on the non-zodiac side, because he only got divorced a few days ago. If he is ready to start a relationship, then try it! Because the zodiac isn't saying that it will never happen, just be careful :)

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