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Asked by Wong Siew Fong from singapore | Sep. 26, 2014 21:50
About:Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

Read that the Guangzhou old Baiyun airport has converted to a huge shopping mall called Gate 5.

How far is it from the present new airport? can it be visited in 4 hr time span before my departure for my flight home?

Thanks for any reply

Answers (1)
Answered by Ben from Peru | Sep. 27, 2014 02:49
The mall is about 16 miles from the present airport. If you have only four hours before your flight departure, I’m afraid you cannot make it.

Because you will take the international flight back home, and you need get to the airport at least 2.5 – 3 hours in advance. Then one hours is not enough for it, even you hire a taxi.

If you want to do a simple shopping, you can choose to have a walk on the shops in the airport, maybe you can find what you want.
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