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Asked by mycl20 from Philippines | Jul. 06, 2014 02:19
About:China Work Visa

what is complete requirements for z visa?

hi there. I got a job offered from the company in china and they said to send me the employee permit and invitation letter. Is the china embassy wont ask you for bank account statement if you have a complete requirements from the company that wants to hire you? hope you can reply. thank you so much.

Answers (2)
Answered by Steve from Nepal | Jul. 06, 2014 03:19
If you go to China for the first time, your bank account statement, personal financial status, proof of study or employment, BIR-stamped income tax return form or professional ID are required. If you can't provide it, you should provide a written letter of explanation. By the way, you need to download the physical examination form from the website of Chinese embassy in Philippines and then do the physcial examination at the hospital. The form is needed during your application.
Answered by Mycle20 from Philippines | Jul. 07, 2014 07:28
ohh ok. But I ask some friends that already in china for work. they said that if you applied for work Z with the company requirements that prove to support your needs as an employee, you don't need a bank account statement. since you go there for work not for vacation tour. And you only need to show bank statement if you go to china for the first time and not intended to work, to prove that you can support your needs while you there. Thank you very much.

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