Hello i am very impressed about the way you answer questions here keep it up, i have a question please. i was currently invited by a school in china and they have provide to me and my wife all the required documents to apply for a z trype, after we did at the embassy they said that they still need and email or fax from the bureau of foreign expert to confirm our invitation letters and it was sent to the embassy and they received it. Yet at the embassy we were told that they can not guaranty if they can give us my Z type or not. please i don't understand why they should say this after they have conducted the interview for me and my wife and presently they have received our documents and passports also but didn't give a specific date for us to come back and collect it, they promised to call us wen they are true.. Please i need answers as time is already running out considering the time we are expected to resume work at the school thank u.