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Asked by Greg from USA | Feb. 20, 2014 10:45
About:72-Hour Visa-Free Transit FAQ

Who can assist me in getting a permit. Thai airways has not been helpful. What about my Hotel?

I am traveling from U.S. to Thailand for a week and then returning from Thailand to the U.S. through Beijing and want to use the 72-hour VISA exemption so we can spend two days in China.. I have a separate ticket for this return trip. However, I understand that I need a permit to take advantage of the 72-hour exemption. . How can I get a permit now before my travels start on March 1? Thai Airways has not been helpful. Can the Concierge at the Grand Hyatt assist me in this matter?

Answers (1)
Answered by Jay from Canada | Feb. 21, 2014 01:17
Hi, you can apply for free transit permit directly after arrival at Beijing airport, showing your passport and confirmed ticket for leaving within 72 hours and fill a form on site.

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