MY ITEMS RB868783736CN I tried to track on line the below is the result what does it mean ?its real?
I get this result from tracking china mail, what does it mean, I have not received this item:
Success find: 8 items!
China Post Parcel No.RB868783736CN Tracking Results
item No. Year Status Location Destination Country Date
RB868783736CN 2013 Received by China Post Shanghai SD 20131210 1954
RB868783736CN 2013 In Customs-Control warehouse Shanghai SD 20131212 0959
RB868783736CN 2013 In Customs-Control warehouse Beijing SD 20131215 1658
RB868783736CN 2013 Import Customs Scan Beijing SD 20131216 0843
RB868783736CN 2013 Import Security Scan Beijing SD 20131216 1455
RB868783736CN 2013 Import Customs Scan Shanghai SD 20131219 0807
RB868783736CN 2013 Import Security Scan Shanghai SD 20131219 1237
RB868783736CN 2013 Final delivery Shanghai SD 20131220 102258
can this be real or its just fake?