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Asked by robelyn laroza from philippines | Jan. 29, 2014 07:59
About:Chinese Calendar

what is the right date and time for us to have a 2nd baby girl

my husband's name is benjie lompo his birth day was augost 25,1984. while me my name is robelyn laroza my birth daywas november4,1986.

Answers (1)
Answered by Rev. Hoyt Battles | Jan. 29, 2014 21:27
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well sweetheart I am very glad to see your curiosity, it tells me that you have a belief that there is a natural law in the heavens that control this, and I would say that you would be right. now thousands of years ago this information was maintained only by the elite, and kept strictly away from women, and I am more than happy to reward your curiosity. it's all about POSITIVES & NEGATIVES in the universe for every action there is an equal opposite reaction. with that being said you will be happy that it is not now nor has ever been up to the male to determine the sex of the child, this matter is strictly between the woman and the planet (the planet being my bride, I should know this intimately). now assuming that you and your husband have the normal and natural anomaly (him=XY) and (you=XX) i can safely say that you have six chances to concieve a girl, it all begins at the point of conception, not when you were born or anything like that. The womans cycles usually adhere to the gregorian calendar and the planets cycles usually adhere to the astrological calendar. you must overlay both calendars. with focus on the astrological calendar to achieve the desired gender of your child. so you want a girl? then you must concieve between the following months. Aries/Gemini/Leo/Libra/Saggittarius/Aquarius...because of the planetary problems we experience it is good to wait three days before and/or after a change of signs. the signs i just listed are masculine and the opposite occurs (A GIRL), Needless to say you want a boy you must concieve in the feminine months Taurus/Cancer/Virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn/Pisces. I know this may be a lot to take in but trust me I have been correct for the past 20 years and have been helping people control the populous better with a success rate of 99% the other percent is because of the introduction of various abnormal anomalies around the mid 1400's (what can you do)? at least the natural law that governs gender manipulation still works.
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