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Asked by Zordon from Australia | Jan. 28, 2014 16:28
About:Taiyuan Travel

What's the best way to travel from Tai Yuan to Chengdu? Does Air China fly between those 2 cities?

Or is it better to go back to Beijing & fly to Chengdu? Thanks.

Answers (5)
Answered by Horris from USA | Jan. 29, 2014 00:49
The flight may be the best method and Air China has direct flight between the two cities. Please do not worry.
Answered by zordon from Australia | Feb. 04, 2014 19:36
Thanks Horris for your reply..! It seems we have to change our trip we plan to go to DATONG for 3 days/2nights, then continue on to Wutaishan for 3 nights. Not sure where to stay if we go to Wutaishan, should we stay in bigger town around there, or directly in Wutaishan itself?

And do you think there will enough time to travel to the ancient city PINGYAO from here? We have to finish our trip in Chengdu afterwards. Thanks for any suggestions or advice.
Answered by Jennis from Canada | Feb. 07, 2014 20:54
If you want to experience of the life in the temple, it is suggested to live one night in the temple and I think the living condition in Xiantong Temple is nice. You may have a try.
Then you can stay the other day in the Taihuan Town where the Wutain Mountain located.

To Pingyao, you mean you want to go there from Wutaishan? if so, there is no direct bus operating between the two places and you need to transfer in Taiyun. For the time, the bus journey between the two places is around 6 to 7 hours. It is hard to tell whether the time is enough because I have no idea about how long will you plan to spend there. Sorry for that.
Answered by Jennis | Feb. 07, 2014 20:56
Oh, I should tell you that there are two trains between the Wutaishan and Pingyao and the trains are at 23:39 and 09:25. Maybe you can try the one at 23:39, so that you can reach Pingyao in the next morning and use the day time for traveling.
Answered by zordon from Australia | Feb. 08, 2014 01:58
Hi Jennis, Thanks so much for your reply..!

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