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Asked by Monica I. from USA | Jan. 10, 2014 20:48
About:China Visa

Compassionate/Emergency exit visa?

Hello, I am helping a U.S. citizen friend who lives in Shanghai, China on a work Z. Her sister is in the States, in the hospital critically ill with a poor prognosis. My friend is in the process of her Z renewal and has surrendered her passport as part of that process, which could take another 3 weeks, but she really needs to get back to the States as quickly as possible. Is there any such thing as a compassionate visa or passport that would allow her to travel to the United States, see about her sister and return to her job in China? Thank you!

Answers (1)
Answered by Alvin from New Zealand | Jan. 11, 2014 01:22
Hi, I think your friend should better visit US consulate in Shanghai for help. Or just ask his passport back and explain to the officers that he really needs to return to USA asap.

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