Subway between Beijing West Railway and BJ Central Railway Stations?
Can expert in BJ subway people confirm the story below about the subway linkage between the West Railway and the Central Railway Stations via Line 2 to Fu-Xing-Men station and transfer to Line 1 to Military Museum station and then transfer to Line 9 to West Railway station?
Workers are putting the final touches on an underground rail line linking two of BJ's biggest train stations. The 9.2-kilometer rail, most of which runs about 30 metres below ground, connects the Railway Station in Dongcheng district to the West Railway Station in Fengtai district, and is expected to be completed this month (July 2013). The railway will take much of the overground traffic pressure off as the commute time will be reduced to around 15 minutes. Previously, transfer passengers would have to spend nearly one hour to commute by bus and subway between the two railway stations. The project has been almost eight years in construction because of the complicated geography and engineering, according to a project manager from the China Railway Tunnel Group.